16 Fundamentals and Challenges
can be further classified into two regimes depending on the value of u
as in the
figure. If Ka > 1 but Da > 1, some scales of turbulence are smaller than those of the
laminar flame and the possibility of local extinction of a laminar flame is anticipated,
although τ
is still smaller than τ
DNS data analysis has been used to explore t he limits of flamelet combustion,
and it has been suggested that the Klimov–Williams boundary, above which turbu-
lence can influence the internal structure of a reaction zone, is shifted upwards above
the line Ka = 1. The details are in [9]. Finally, if Da < 1, all scales of turbulence are
smaller than those of a laminar flame and a more randomly distributed reaction
regime is anticipated. However, as discussed at greater length in Section 2.1, thin
flamelet-like reaction zones have been found to be more robust than is suggested
by this interpretation of the regimes diagram. A review by Driscoll [42] finds that
evidence of ‘non-flamelet’ behaviour is sparse.
The likely combustion regimes based on the data available in the literature for
three major categories of practical engines are shown in Fig. 1.3. These estimates are
made after the laminar flame scales are corrected for the temperature and pressure
of the reactants. Aeroengines do not currently operate in purely premixed modes
but, if one presumes a premixed mode, then the combustion conditions are likely
to occur at the border of the corrugated flamelets and thin-reaction-zones regimes.
The drive towards the lean-burn technologies that is due to emissions regulations is
likely to push these conditions towards lower values of global or overall Da, because
reaction rates are reduced in leaner mixtures. However, for gas turbines, it is quite
unlikely to involve local Da < 1, unless high-temperature air or product dilution
concepts are employed. These concepts and their possible modelling are discussed
in Section 5.1.
1.7 Modelling Strategies
Two main types of model are required for converting the first-moment equations of
Section 1.5 into a closed set: (1) a fluid mechanical model to describe the Reynolds
stress and Reynolds flux terms by means of equations involving only known mean
properties of the flow, and (2) a closure model for the mean values of highly nonlinear
chemical-reaction-rate terms. Although we describe these models separately, it must
be emphasised that, in reality, they interact strongly with each other. It is necessary
to account properly for, on the one hand, the influence of combustion and heat
release on the turbulent flow and, on the other, the effects of eddying turbulent
motion on the heat and mass transfer processes that accompany chemical reaction.
Combustion introduces very large variations in fluid density, and the corresponding
changes in the volume of fluid elements induce significant local velocity changes. Very
steep property gradients can result in regions of strong reaction, in which molecular-
transport processes play a vital role. Turbulent motion distorts and stretches these
thin regions and may further increase their gradients. A proper understanding of
these physical processes and their interaction is essential if realistic models are to be
developed. All models, together with their constituent submodels, must yield unique
solutions, and the variables that they predict must always lie within the physical
bounds of the quantities they represent. RANS models are considered first, and
then their adaption for LES is discussed.