2.4 Transported Probability Density Function Methods 103
for turbulent reacting flows [91, 227]. The terms relating to chemical reaction appear
in closed form as convection in scalar space, and, accordingly, kinetically controlled or
influenced phenomena can in principle be readily included. A particularly attractive
consequence is that independently developed chemical mechanisms can be applied
without further simplification. The formulation of more complete closures is non-
trivial as inconsistencies in submodels may lead to accuracy or realisability problems
(e.g. [17, 228, 229]), be it in the context of LES- or moment-based methods. The
transported PDF approach has the potential to overcome difficulties related to the
coupling of chemical reaction and spatial transport (turbulent convection) and may
be used as subfilter-scale models for LES by means of filtered density function
(FDF) methods. The coupling between turbulent transport and chemical reaction
becomes significant in view of the delicate balance of gradient and non-gradient
scalar transport in turbulent premixed flames [7, 17, 44, 228 ].
Most previous work on transported PDF closures for flames featured non-
premixed combustion in which, typically, scalar transport is more readily addressed.
For example, work on piloted diffusion flames (e.g., the Sandia flame series [230])
enabled stable flames and those undergoing extinction or reignition to be studied
through a combination with augmented reduced [231–234] or detailed [235] chemi-
cal reaction mechanisms. Studies featuring more complex flow fields were also per-
formed. For example, Muradoglu et al. [236] modelled a bluff-body stabilized flame
using a joint scalar approach by applying time averaging after a statistically station-
ary solution was obtained. Kuan and Lindstedt [237] performed computations of a
bluff-body flame [238, 239] by using a hybrid Monte Carlo–Finite-volume algorithm
with the velocity field closed at the second-moment level. The thermochemistry was
computed by means of a systematically reduced mechanism featuring 300 reactions,
20 solved, and 28 steady-state species. Studies of flames featuring auto-ignition [235,
240], significant local extinction [232–234], or both, suggest that ignition tends to
occur in a partially premixed mode and that the transported PDF approach can
reproduce experimental data with encouraging accuracy. Bidaux et al. [241]useda
scalar PDF approach and a particle-interaction mixing model with the mean reaction
rate determined from the PDF solution to predict a partially premixed Bunsen flame.
The attraction of extending moment-based methods to include finite-rate chem-
istry effects through the application of transported PDF methods to premixed tur-
bulent flames is of increasing practical interest. For example, flows found in burners,
gas turbine combustion chambers, and reciprocating engines cover a wide range of
ohler (Da) and Karlovitz (Ka) numbers and are increasingly characterised by
strong interactions between turbulence and finite-rate chemistry because of changes
in burning modes [242–244]. One implication is the need to extend the knowledge
gained from the application of high-Damk
ohler-number-based approaches to en-
compass an extended range of conditions. The latter may include (re)ignition phe-
nomena, dilution effects, local or global flame extinction, non-adiabatic conditions,
and the presence of a multitude of chemical time-scales (e.g., the fast heat release
vs. the relatively slow formation of pollutants).
Comparatively few studies of premixed turbulent combustion were performed
with transported-PDF-based methods. Pope and Cheng [245] considered the evo-
lution of spherical flame kernels by using a simplified Langevin model [91] to ac-
count for the effects of viscous dissipation and the fluctuating pressure gradient.
The mean pressure gradient acted upon the fluid irrespective of the instantaneous