2.3 Scalar-Dissipation-Rate Approach 87
interaction effects come from (VII) for high-Da flames whereas it is quite likely
to have equal contributions from all of the three terms for low-Da situations.
The most apparent difference is on the physical behaviour of the turbulence–
scalar interaction process. It is clear from Fig. 2.12 that this process destroys
the (negative-value) scalar gradient in high-Da situations whereas it produces
the (positive-value) Scalar gradient in most parts of the flame brush in low-
Da situations. Small negative values can also be noted in Fig. 2.12(b) for
c ≥
0.65, implying that strong heat release in those regions is destroying the scalar
gradients. This is intuitively correct, as one would expect, but requires further
close understanding to help model construction.
These relative behaviours among the various terms and their components in the
SDR transport equation are also observed for non-unity Lewis number situations
[168, 193] and the dominant terms noted in Fig. 2.12 remain dominant. However, their
magnitudes increase as the Lewis number decreases [193] because thermodiffusive
(TD) instability, noted in Section 3.1, significantly increases the reaction rate when
the Lewis number is smaller than unity. The increased reaction rate results in an
increase of scalar and velocity gradients, yielding larger magnitude for all the terms
shown in Fig. 2.12. When Le > 1 the magnitudes of these terms are smaller than for
the Le = 1 case; their relative behaviours, however, remain the same [193]. It is clear
from the previous discussion that the dominant terms shown in Fig. 2.12 are likely to
remain dominant for a wide range of flow and thermochemical conditions, spanning
from the corrugated-flamelets to the thin-reaction-zones combustion regimes when
Da > 1. Hence one can envisage developing an algebraic model for the SDR by
balancing the dominant terms, which can be used in Eq. (2.86) to obtain the mean
reaction rate. However, one should be careful for low-Da cases, and it is quite likely
that the SDR transport equation, Eq. (2.90), will then need to be solved. Before an
attempt is made to derive an algebraic model for
, the closure models proposed
in the earlier discussion on the dissipation-rate transport equation are to be revised,
where necessary, to capture the close coupling among turbulence, heat release, scalar
mixing, diffusion, and molecular dissipation. Hence the modelling of unclosed terms
is considered next.
(IV)/(IV-b) ∼ O
, which indicates that the modelling of the turbulent flux
of the SDR,
ρ u
, which is often modelled with the gradient hypothesis, is essen-
tial. This flux is counter-gradient when
ρ u
) > 0, and it is gradient when
ρ u
) < 0. A typical behaviour of this flux in statistically planar flames is
showninFig.2.13. By writing the gradient of
as (∂
) and noting the
typical behaviours of these two gradients, one observes that turbulent flux is counter-
gradient in high-Da and small-Le flames. A strong flame-normal acceleration that
is due to greater heat release in the low-Le as well as in the large-Da flames acts
to promote counter-gradient transport, and the magnitude of the flame-normal ac-
celeration decreases with either increasing Lewis number or decreasing Damkohler
number, promoting gradient transport. This is evident from the DNS results shown
in Fig. 2.13.