УМА ПАЛАТА (у кого; coll., iron., human.) – someone is very intelligent: one
has a lot og brain; one is smart as they come; one is (as) smart as a whip; one is (as) sharp
as a tack; one is big (long) in brains; one is very wise, as wise as Solomon
УМНАЯ ГОЛОВА (ГОЛОВУШКА) (coll., human., iron.) – a sensible,
intelligent person: a clever one (fellow, girl etc.); a clever (real, total) brain, wise
head ; (one is) so clever
УМ, ЧЕСТЬ И СОВЕСТЬ НАШЕЙ ЭПОХИ (lit.) – in USSR’s media about
Communist Party: mind, honor and the conscience of our epoch
< V. Lenin's characteristic of a party of bolsheviks. In the article " Political
blackmail " (v.34, р.93)
У РАЗБИТОГО КОРЫТА остаться,оказаться, сидеть и т.д.; К
РАЗБИТОМУ КОРЫТУ вернуться (both coll., these forms only, human.) – with
nothing having lost all one had gained, having one’s hopes on something thwarted etc.:
(be) no better off than before; (be) (right) back where one started; (be) back where
one started again; (be left) empty-handed; (be left) with zilch
УСЛУГА ЗА УСЛУГУ (saying) – something nice done for someone is or will
be reciprocated: one good turn deserves another; pay back; one hand washes the
other; (you) scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours
УСТАТЬ КАК ЛОШАДЬ (coll., human.) – be tired as a dog
УТЕРЕТЬ НОС кому (highly coll., human.) – to outdo someone, prove one’s
superiority in something: one shows someone up; get to better of someone; be one up
on someone; to put some one’s nose out of joint
У ЧËРТА НА КУЛИЧКАХ (НА РОГАХ) жить, быть, находиться и .т.д.;
К ЧËРТУ НА КУЛИЧКИ уехать, забраться и т.д. (coll.) – (to live, to be etc.
or go, go away etc.) in or to a remote and sometimes desolate undesirable place: so
fairway; at (to) the world’s end; in (to) the middle of nowhere; at (to) the back of
beyond; in (to) some godforsaken place (hole); in (to) the sticks; in (to, for) the
distant sticks of some place