2 Thermodynamics of
an additive constant, only changes of a point function are significant. Also
referred to as a
potential function, z(x, y)
defines an
vector field I
= M(x, y)i + N(x, y)/',
which satisfies
v - 0. (2.10.2)
Conversely, an irrotational vector field may be represented as the gradient of
a scalar potential z. Gravity g is an irrotational vector field: V x g = 0. The
work performed to displace a unit mass between two points in a gravitational
field is independent of path and defines the gravitational potential ~.
Thermodynamic state variables are point functions. As properties of the
system, they depend only on the system's state but not on its history. By
contrast, the work performed by the system and the heat transferred into it
during a thermodynamic process are not properties of the system. Work and
heat transfer are, in general,
path functions.
They depend on the path in state
space followed by the system. For this reason, the thermodynamic process
must be specified to define those quantities unambiguously.
Path-dependent, work and heat transfer can differ along the forward and
reverse legs of a cyclic process. Consequently, the net work and heat transfer
during a cyclic variation of the system need not vanish, as does the net change
of a state variable (2.5). The path dependence of work and heat transfer
produces a
in the
plane, illustrated in Fig. 2.5. During a cyclic
variation of the system, the cumulative work and heat
w= f 6w
q= f 6q
do not return to their original positions after the system has been restored to
its initial state. The discrepancy
Aw -- f 6w
after one cycle equals the area in
plane enclosed by the contour in Fig. 2.2. Due to hysteresis, successive
cycles lead to a drift of the above quantities in the
plane, which reflects
the net work performed by and the heat transferred into the system.
Under special circumstances, the work performed by a system or the heat
transferred into it "is" independent of path, in which case that quantity does
vanish for a cyclic process. Because it is then a point function, this special form
of work or heat transfer can be used to define a state variable. For instance,
the displacement work in a gravitational field is path independent. Hence,
that work can then be used to define the gravitational potential ~, which is a
property of the system.
If it refers to force, the vector field v is said to be
because the net work performed
along a cyclic path vanishes (2.5).