3.2 Entropy and the Second
Law 85
evolved to that state. In the spirit that internal energy was introduced (Sec.
2.2), we define the state variable entropy
which constitutes a property of the system.
Carnot's theorem and the identity (3.7) apply to a reversible process. Under
more general circumstances, the following inequality holds.
The Clausius Inequality
For a cyclic process,
-T < 0, (3.9)
where equality applies if the cycle is executed reversibly.
One of several statements of the second law, the Clausius inequality has the
following consequences that pertain to the direction of thermodynamic pro-
1. Heat must be rejected to the environment somewhere during a cycle.
2. Under reversible conditions, more heat is exchanged at high temper-
ature than at low temperature.
3. Irreversibility reduces the net heat absorbed during a cycle.
The first consequence precludes the possibility of a process that converts heat
from a single source entirely into work: a perpetual motion machine of the sec-
ond kind. Some of the heat absorbed by a system that performs work must be
rejected. Representing a thermal loss, that heat rejection limits the efficiency
of any heat engine, even one operated reversibly. The second consequence of
(3.9) implies that net work is performed by the system during a cycle (namely,
it behaves as a heat engine) if heat is absorbed at high temperature and
rejected at low temperature. Conversely, net work must be performed on the
system during the cycle (namely, it behaves as a refrigerator) if heat is rejected
at high temperature and absorbed at low temperature. The third consequence
of (3.9) implies that irreversibility reduces the net work performed by the sys-
tem, in the case of a heat engine, and increases the net work that must be
performed on the system, in the case of a refrigerator.
A differential form of the second law, which applies to an incremental pro-
cess, may be derived from the Clausius inequality. Consider a cycle comprised
of a reversible and an irreversible leg between two states 1 and 2 (Fig. 3.3). A
cycle comprised of two reversible legs may also be constructed between those
states. For the first cycle, the Clausius inequality yields
2 8q 1
f (_~_)revq_f2 (t~q
~/irrev ~