114 4
Heterogeneous Systems
system's pressure reaches the equilibrium vapor pressure. A pressure above the
equilibrium vapor pressure will result in the reverse transformations. Owing
to the exponential dependence in (4.39) and (4.40), Pw and
vary sharply
with temperature. In the presence of a condensed phase, substantially more
water can exist in vapor phase at high temperature than at low temperature.
We will see in Chapter 5 that the principles governing a single-component
heterogeneous system carry over to a two-component system of dry air and
water. The equilibrium vapor pressure is then the maximum amount of vapor
that can be supported by air at a given temperature.
The exponential dependence of
on T has an important implication for
exchanges of water between the earth's surface and the atmosphere. Accord-
ing to (4.39), warm tropical oceans with a high sea surface temperature can
transfer substantially more water into the atmosphere than can colder extra-
tropical oceans. For this reason, tropical oceans serve as the primary source
of water vapor for the atmosphere, which is subsequently redistributed over
the globe by the circulation (refer to Fig. 1.15). Much of the water vapor ab-
sorbed by the tropical atmosphere is precipitated back to the earth's surface
in organized convection inside the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)
(Fig. 1.25). However, latent heat that is released during condensation remains
in the overlying atmosphere. Thus, cyclic transfer of moisture between ocean
surfaces and the tropical troposphere results in a net transfer of heat to the
atmosphere. Eventually converted into work, that heat generates kinetic en-
ergy, which, along with radiative transfer from the earth's surface (Fig. 1.27),
maintains the general circulation against frictional dissipation.
Suggested Reading
The Principles of Chemical Equilibrium
(1971) by Denbigh includes a thorough
development of phase equilibria in heterogeneous systems.
A detailed treatment of water substance and accompanying thermodynamic
properties is presented in
Atmospheric Thermodynamics
(1981) by Iribarne
and Godson.
4.1. The Gibbs-Dalton law implies that the partial pressure of vapor at equi-
librium with a condensed phase of water is the same in a mixture with
dry air as the equilibrium vapor pressure if the water component were
in isolation. Since it corresponds to the abundance of vapor at which no
mass is transformed from one phase to another, this vapor pressure de-
scribes the state at which air is
For a lapse rate of 6.5 K km -a,
which is representative of thermal structure in the troposphere (Fig. 1.2),
calculate (a) the equilibrium vapor pressure as a function of altitude and