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Transformations of Moist
heat from the gas phase, which cools the parcel, introduces negative buoyancy,
and thus promotes continued descent. Any condensate that previously precip-
itated out of the parcel is not available to reabsorb latent heat that it released
during ascent, which therefore remains in the gas phase.
The foregoing behavior is responsible for confining water vapor near the
earth's surface. Introduced over warm oceans, water vapor is extracted from air
that is displaced upward. Moisture is lost altogether when condensate precipi-
tates back to the earth's surface, after cloud particles have become sufficiently
large. In this fashion, thermodynamics, in combination with hydrostatic strat-
ification, maintains upper levels of the atmosphere in a very dry state. Even
inside a convective tower, mixing ratio decreases vertically because chemi-
cal equilibrium requires r to equal
r c,
which decreases steadily with altitude.
By limiting its vertical transport, thermodynamics prevents water vapor from
reaching great altitudes, where it would be photodissociated by energetic ra-
diation and ultimately destroyed when the free hydrogen produced is lost to
space (Sec. 1.2.2).
Due to exchange of latent heat with the condensed phase, the gas phase
of an air parcel is not adiabatic above the LCL---even though the entire
system may still be. Consequently, the potential temperature of the gas phase
is no longer conserved. Since the parcel's mass is dominated by dry air, the
transformation of mass has only a minor effect on the energetics of the parcel.
But the transfer of latent heat that attends the phase transformation has a
major effect by serving as an internal heat source for the system. Latent heat
released to the gas phase during condensation offsets cooling due to adiabatic
expansion work that is performed by the parcel during ascent. Conversely,
latent heat absorbed from the gas phase during vaporization offsets warming
due to adiabatic compression work that is performed on the parcel during
descent. Owing to the transfer of latent heat, the parcel's temperature no
longer changes with altitude at the dry adiabatic lapse rate, but rather varies
more slowly under saturated conditions.
5.4.2 The Pseudo-Adiabatic Process
If expansion work occurs fast enough for heat transfer with the environment
to remain negligible and if none of its moisture precipitates out, the parcel
is closed and its behavior above the LCL is described by a reversible satu-
rated adiabatic process. That process depends weakly on the abundance of
condensate present (e.g., on how much of the system's enthalpy is represented
by condensate) and therefore on the LCL of the parcel. However, because it
is present only in trace abundance, the variation of condensate unnecessarily
complicates the parcel's description under saturated conditions. This compli-
cation is averted by describing the parcel's behavior in terms of a
adiabatic process,
in which the system is treated as open and condensate is
removed (added) immediately after (before) it is produced (destroyed). Be-