Thermal structure (continued)
ozone, 536
plane parallel atmosphere, 226
radiative-convective equilibrium, 238, 321
radiative transfer, 198, 248
stratification, 156-162
vertical stability, 188-189
Thermal wind balance, 378-381
general circulation, 486
potential energy, 493
shear instability, 522
Thermodynamic coordinates, 357-368
Thermodynamic cycle, 65, 157, 159, 161
Thermodynamic equation, 337-338
adiabatic motion, 352
isentropic coordinates, 367
isobaric coordinates, 361
log-pressure coordinates, 363
quasi-geostrophic motion, 395-396
turbulence, 407
Thermodynamic equilibrium, 59
conditions, 90-91
heterogeneous system, 99, 103-104, 106
homogeneous system, 99
irreversibility, 79
local, 212
Thermodynamic potential, 97; see also Free
Thermodynamic process, 59, 61
direction, 85, 87, 90
Thermodynamic properties, 55-56, 578
Thermodynamics of gases, see also First law
of thermodynamics; Second law of
adiabatic process, 63, 68-74, 132
diabatic process, 75-76
changes of state, 63-65
entropy, 84-87, 91-96
fundamental relations, 88-90, 104-106
heat capacity, 65-68
internal energy, 63
natural and reversible processes, 79-84
potential temperature, 71-76, 91-96
system concepts, 55-56
expansion work, 56-58
heat transfer, 58
state variables, 58-62
thermodynamic equilibrium, 90-91
vertical motion, 73-74, 126-133
Thermodynamic state, 55-56, 58-63
heterogeneous system, 99, 106
homogeneous system, 99
Thermodynamic system, 55-63
Thermosphere, 16, 201, 219
Time-mean circulation, 19-21, 51
Time-mean cloud field, 39, 41
Time-mean cloudiness, 39, 41
Time-mean thermal structure, 51
advection, 552
diabatic process, 75, 156, 160
dissipative process, 392
Ekman pumping, 423
heat transfer, 71, 128
horizontal motion, 71
radiative transfer, 75, 248
thermal damping, 472
thermal relaxation, 552
turbulent exchange, 405, 408
vertical mixing, 190
vertical motion, 71, 128, 156
Top of atmosphere (TOA) radiation, 307,
Trace constituent, 22-36; see also specific
Tracer, 8, 71
Trace speed, 431
Trade wind, 506
Traditional approximation, 350-352
Trajectory, parcel, 323-324
Trajectory coordinates, 383
Transmission function, 228-230
Transmissivity, 208, 228, 298-299
Transport theorem, 329-330, 331, 333, 337
Trigger temperature, 193
Triple point, 106
Tropical circulation, 506-513; see also Inter
Tropical Convergence Zone
Tropical cirrus cloud, 285-286
Tropopause, 16, 17
cloud formation, 283
conditional instability, 181
cumulus formation, 280
nitrous oxide, 541
potential temperature, 191
radiation spectra, 200
radiative-convective equilibrium, 237-238,
tropical circulation, 508
water vapor, 546
wave activity, 451, 454
Tropopause fold, 564
Troposphere, 16, 17, 18
absorption, 216
aerosol, 258, 260-263, 314
air motion timescale, 248