552 17
The Middle Atmosphere
troduced when the vortex is driven out of zonal symmetry corresponds to
Newtonian cooling (Sec. 8.6), which acts to restore the circulation to radia-
tive equilibrium. Thermal relaxation operates on a timescale of order a week
(Fig. 8.29)~still much longer than the characteristic timescale of advection.
As air relaxes toward radiative equilibrium, temperature anomalies associated
with the wave field collapse, and with them so does eddy motion. Momentum
carried by planetary waves is then transferred to the zonal-mean flow.
Planetary waves also experience mechanical dissipation when the polar-
night vortex is subjected to quasi-horizontal mixing, which destroys large-scale
motion anomalies. Such behavior is evident in Fig. 17.11a from the folding
of tracer contours along the edge of the vortex and in regions where the dis-
tribution of Q has been homogenized. Those features neighbor the critical
line of stationary planetary waves (see Fig. 14.23), where large eddy displace-
ments overturn the distribution of Q and render the local motion dynamically
unstable (Sec. 16.4). Air is then wound up in secondary eddies that cascade
large-scale tracer structure to small dimensions, where it is eventually ab-
sorbed by diffusion. Secondary eddies generated through instability produce
an irreversible dispersion of air along isentropic surfaces, because advection
operates much faster than diabatic processes. Under amplified conditions, dis-
persive eddy motions can entrain and mix low-latitude air well into the body
of the vortex. Like thermal dissipation, mechanical dissipation of planetary
waves acts to maintain the Arctic polar-night vortex warmer and weaker than
the radiative-equilibrium circulation.
Weaker planetary waves in the Southern Hemisphere introduce smaller
meridional displacements and hence smaller departures of individual parcels
from local radiative equilibrium. The Antarctic polar-night vortex also expe-
riences anomalous radiative cooling at high latitudes through exchange with
the underlying surface. The Antarctic plateau, which is as high as 700 mb, is
much colder than the surrounding maritime region. Radiative exchange be-
tween the cold surface and the lower stratosphere in the 9.6-~m band of
Ozone represents anomalous cooling not experienced by the Arctic vortex. To-
gether, these factors leave the Antarctic polar-night vortex colder and closer
to radiative equilibrium than its counterpart over the Arctic. The foregoing
considerations then imply that the Antarctic vortex should possess a weaker
meridional circulation and reduced transfer of ozone out of its photochemical
source region.
Even though the actual circulation is more complex, it is convenient to
consider motion two-dimensionally in terms of the zonal-mean circulation
- (~, 9, ~). This representation is especially useful in light of the numer-
ous chemical species that must be accounted for in stratospheric photochem-
istry. Within this framework, zonal-mean distributions of motion and chemi-
cal species interact with the wave field. Wave fluxes of momentum, heat, and
chemical mixing ratio enter the equations governing zonal-mean properties
(see, e.g., Andrews
et al.,
1987), analogous to the convergence of eddy momen-