Hydrodynamic Instability
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o 7
Figure 16.4 Vertical section in the meridional plane at
= 37r/2 of mean isentropic surfaces
(dotted lines) and motion for the fastest growing square Eady mode. Potential temperature
increases upward and equatorward (compare Fig. 12.5).
flux poleward, which releases available potential energy by driving the thermal
structure toward barotropic stratification. Poleward heat flux acts to elimi-
nate the horizontal temperature gradient and shallow the slope of isentropic
surfaces, which in turn reduces the zonal-mean available potential energy.
Extratropical cyclones have qualitatively similar structure during their de-
velopment. Figure 16.5 shows distributions of 700-mb height and temperature
for an amplifying cyclone situated off the coast of Africa on March 2, 1984.
This disturbance is the precursor to the cyclone apparent in Figs. 1.15 and 1.24
two days later. During amplification, the system tilts westward, which trans-
fers heat poleward and releases available potential energy--analogous to an
unstable Eady mode with c~ < a c. Eddy heat flux tends to maximize near
700 mb, which typifies the steering level of observed cyclones. This is lower
than the steering level predicted by the Eady model. However, an unbounded
model treated by Charney (1947) reproduces the observed steering level, while
retaining the essential ingredients captured by Eady's solution.
Figure 16.5 contains the characteristic signature of sloping convection: A
tongue of warm air is drawn poleward ahead of the closed low, while cold air is
advected equatorward behind it. Those bodies of air have disparate histories,
which are reflected in contemporaneous infrared (IR) and water vapor imagery
(Figs. 16.6a and b). A tongue of high cloud cover and moisture that extends
northwestward from the African coast defines the
warm sector
ahead of the
cyclone. A complementary tongue of cloud-free conditions and low moisture is
being drawn equatorward behind it. Sharp gradients separating those bodies