The text is targeted at first-year graduate students with diverse backgrounds
in physics, chemistry, mathematics, or engineering, but not necessarily for-
mal training in thermodynamics, radiation, and fluid mechanics. It emphasizes
physical concepts, which are developed from first principles. Therefore, the
student without formal exposure to a subject is not at a disadvantage, the
only prerequisites being a solid grounding in basic undergraduate physics and
advanced calculus and some exposure to partial differential equations. The
material can also be digested by undergraduates with similar preparation.
The presentation is from a Lagrangian perspective, which considers trans-
formations of an individual air parcel moving through the circulation. In addi-
tion to its conceptual advantages, this framework affords a powerful diagnostic
tool for interpreting atmospheric behavior. Each chapter opens with a devel-
opment of basic principles and closes with applications from topical problems
in global research. Many are illustrated with behavior on a particular day,
which enables the atmosphere to be dissected in contemporaneous properties,
like thermal structure, motion, trace species, and clouds, and therefore brings
to light interactions among them.
Chapters 2 through 5 are devoted to atmospheric thermodynamics. Em-
phasis is placed on heterogeneous systems, which figure centrally in cloud
formation, its interaction with radiation, and the roles of water vapor in global
energetics and chemistry. Atmospheric hydrostatics are treated in Chapters
6 and 7, which interpret stratification from a Lagrangian perspective and at-
mospheric heating in terms of stabilizing and destabilizing influences. Chap-
ters 8 and 9 concentrate on atmospheric radiation and cloud processes. After
developing the fundamental laws governing radiative transfer, the text con-
siders energetics under radiative and radiative-convective equilibrium. Cloud
behavior is discussed in relation to the greenhouse effect, climate feedback
mechanisms, and chemical processes. Chapters 10 through 16 are devoted to
atmospheric dynamics. The perspective is transformed from the Lagrangian to
the Eulerian description of atmospheric behavior via Reynolds' transport the-
orem, from which the equations of motion follow directly. Large-scale motion
is treated first in terms of geostrophic and hydrostatic equilibrium and then ex-
tended to higher order to introduce vorticity dynamics and quasi-geostrophic
motion. Wave propagation is developed from the paradigm of surface water
waves. The general circulation is motivated by a zonally symmetric model of
heat transfer in the presence of rotation, which, through its laboratory ana-
logue, the rotating annulus, sets the stage for baroclinic instability. The book
closes in Chapter 17 with an overview of the middle atmosphere that synthe-
sizes topics developed in earlier chapters. Problems at the end of each chapter
are of varied sophistication, ranging in difficulty from direct applications of
the development to small computer projects.
One of the challenges in integrating material of this scope is to unify nomen-
clature, in which an individual quantity can be referred to by as many as half
a dozen different expressions (e.g., in radiation). In defining quantities, I have