1.2 Composition and Structure 3
of water vapor in an air parcel that passes through a cloud system. Photodis-
sociation of 02 will increase the abundance of ozone in a parcel that passes
through a region of sunlight.
Exchanges of energy with its environment and transformations between one
form of energy and another likewise alter the properties of an air parcel. By
expanding, an air parcel exchanges energy mechanically with its environment
through work that it performs on the surroundings. Heat transfer, as occurs
through absorption of radiant energy and conduction with the earth's surface,
represents a thermal exchange of energy with a parcel's environment. Absorp-
tion of water vapor by an air parcel (e.g., through contact with a warm ocean
surface) has a similar effect. When the vapor condenses, latent heat of vapor-
ization carried by it is released to the surrounding molecules of dry air. If the
condensed water then precipitates back to the surface, this process leads to a
net exchange of heat between the parcel and its environment, similar to the
exchange introduced through thermal conduction with the earth's surface.
Like gravity, the earth's rotation exerts an important influence on atmo-
spheric motion and hence on distributions of atmospheric properties. Because
the earth is a noninertial reference frame, the conventional laws of mechan-
ics must be modified to account for its acceleration. Forces introduced by
the earth's rotation are responsible for properties of the large-scale circula-
tion like the flow of air around centers of low and high pressure. Those forces
also inhibit meridional motion and therefore transfers of heat and constituents
between the equator and poles. Consequently, rotation tends to stratify prop-
erties meridionally, just as gravity tends to stratify them vertically.
The physical processes just described do not operate independently. In-
stead, they are woven together into a complex fabric of radiation, chemistry,
and dynamics. Interactions among these can be just as important as the individ-
ual processes themselves. For instance, radiative transfer controls the thermal
structure of the atmosphere, which determines the circulation, which in turn
influences the distributions of radiatively active components like water vapor,
ozone, and clouds. In view of their interdependence, understanding how one
of these processes influences atmospheric behavior requires an understanding
of how that process is linked to others. This feature makes the study of the at-
mosphere an eclectic one, involving the integration of many different physical
principles. This book develops the most fundamental of these.
1.2 Composition and Structure
The earth's atmosphere consists of a mixture of gases, mostly molecular nitro-
gen (78% by volume) and molecular oxygen (21% by volume); (see Table 1.1).
Water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ozone, along with other minor constituents,
comprise the remaining 1% of the atmosphere. Although they appear in very
small abundances, trace species like water vapor and ozone play a key role in