The General Circulation
500 mb (Fig. 1.9a), the large-scale circulation remains nearly parallel to con-
tours of isobaric height. Net radiative heating in Fig. 1.29c tends to establish
a time-mean thermal structure in which isotherms and contours of isobaric
height are oriented parallel to latitude circles. Consequently, the time-mean
circulation at 500 mb (Fig. 1.10b) is nearly circumpolar at middle and high
latitudes. Characterized by a nearly zonal jet stream, the time-mean circula-
tion possesses only a small meridional component to transfer heat between
the equator and poles. A similar conclusion applies to the stratosphere, where
time-mean motion is strongly zonal (Fig. 1.10b).
For this reason, asymmetries in the instantaneous circulation that deflect
air meridionally play a key role in transferring heat between the equator and
poles. In the troposphere, much of the heat transfer is accomplished by un-
steady synoptic weather systems, which transport heat in sloping convection
that exchanges cold polar air with warm tropical air. Ubiquitous in the tropo-
sphere, those disturbances contain much of the kinetic energy at midlatitudes.
They develop preferentially in the North Pacific and North Atlantic storm
tracks and in the continuous storm track of the Southern Hemisphere. By
rearranging air, synoptic disturbances also control the distributions of water
vapor and other constituents produced at the earth's surface.
In the stratosphere and mesosphere, synoptic disturbances are absent. Plan-
etary waves, which propagate upward from the troposphere (Fig. 1.10), play
a role at these altitudes similar to the one played by synoptic disturbances in
the troposphere. Generated near the earth's surface, these global-scale dis-
turbances force the middle atmosphere mechanically. By deflecting air across
latitude circles, planetary waves transport heat and constituents between low
latitudes and high latitudes. Such transport is behind the largest abundances
of ozone being found at middle and high latitudes (Fig. 1.18), despite its pro-
duction at low latitudes.
The earth's rotation exerts a smaller influence on air motions at low lati-
tudes. Kinetic energy there is associated primarily with
thermally direct circula-
in which air rises in regions of heating and sinks in a regions of cooling.
Thermally direct circulations in the tropics are forced by the geographical dis-
tribution of heating (e.g., as is implied by time-mean cloud cover in Fig. 1.25b).
Latent heat release inside the ITCZ drives a meridional
Hadley circulation,
which air rises near the equator and sinks at subtropical latitudes. Subsiding
air in the descending branch of the Hadley circulation maintains deserts that
prevail at subtropical latitudes; compare Fig. 1.29b.
Nonuniform heating also drives zonal overturning, known as a
Walker cir-
in which air rises at longitudes of heating and sinks at longitudes
of cooling. The nonuniform distribution of land and sea and asymmetries in
radiative, conductive, and latent heating that accompany it lead to Walker
circulations along the equator. The concentration of latent heating over In-
donesia (Fig. 1.29b) forces the Pacific Walker circulation, which is illustrated
in Fig. 1.30. This circulation reinforces easterly trade winds across the equa-