1.2 Composition and Structure
The roles clouds play in the budgets of solar and terrestrial radiation make
them a key ingredient of climate. In fact, the influence cloud cover exerts
on the earth's energy balance is an order of magnitude greater than that
of CO2. Its dependence on the circulation, thermal structure, and moisture
distribution, make the cloud field an especially interactive component of the
earth-atmosphere system.
With the exception of shallow stratus, most clouds in Figs. 1.23 and 1.24
develop through vertical motion. Two forms of convection are distinguished in
the atmosphere. Cumulus convection, which is often implied by the term con-
vection alone, involves thermally driven circulations that operate on horizontal
dimensions of order 100 km and smaller. Deep tropical clouds in Fig. 1.23 are
a signature of cumulus convection, which displaces surface air vertically on
small horizontal dimensions. Sloping convection is associated with forced lift-
ing, when one body of air overrides another, and occurs coherently over large
horizontal dimensions. The band of high cloud cover preceding the cyclone in
the eastern Atlantic is a signature of sloping convection.
Beyond its involvement in radiative processes, convection plays a key role
in the dynamics of the atmosphere and in its interaction with the oceans.
Deep convection in the tropics liberates large quantities of latent heat that
are released when water vapor condenses and precipitates back to the surface.
Derived from heat exchange with the oceans, latent heating in the tropics
represents a major source of energy for the atmosphere. It is for this reason
that deep cumulus clouds are used as a proxy for atmospheric heating.
Figure 1.25a shows a nearly instantaneous image of the global cloud field, as
constructed from 11-/zm radiances measured aboard six satellites. The highest
(brightest) clouds are found in the tropics in a narrow band of cumulus con-
vection. Known as the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), this band of
organized convection is oriented parallel to the equator, except over the trop-
ical landmasses: South America, Africa, and the "maritime continent" over
Indonesia, where the zone of convection widens. Inside the ITCZ, deep con-
vection is supported by the release of latent heat when moisture condenses.
Transfers of moisture and energy make the ITCZ important to the tropical
circulation and to interactions between the atmosphere and oceans.
The ITCZ emerges prominently in the time-mean cloud field, shown in
Fig. 1.25b. Over maritime regions, the time-mean ITCZ appears as a nar-
row strip parallel to the equator, which reflects the convergence of surface air
from the two hemispheres inside the Hadley circulation. Over tropical land-
masses, time-mean cloud cover expands due to the additional influence of
surface heating, which triggers convection diurnally. There, as throughout the
tropics, the unsteady component of the cloud field is as large as the time-
mean component. In addition to operating on timescales of hours to a day,
organized convection migrates north and south annually with the sun and in-
volves the monsoons over southeast Asia and northern Australia during the