1.3 Radiative Equilibrium of the Planet
Time-mean cloudiness also reveals the North Atlantic and North Pacific
storm tracks, where convection is organized by synoptic weather systems. Sev-
eral such systems are evident in the instantaneous cloud field in Fig. 1.25a.
In the Southern Hemisphere, they are distributed throughout a nearly con-
tinuous storm track. This feature of the tropospheric circulation reflects the
relative absence of major orographic features in the Southern Hemisphere,
which, by exciting planetary waves, disrupt the zonal circulation of the North-
ern Hemisphere.
Clouds are also important in chemical processes. Condensation and precip-
itation constitute the primary removal mechanism for many chemical species.
Gaseous pollutants that are water soluble are absorbed in cloud droplets and
eliminated when those droplets precipitate to the surface. Referred to as rain
out, this mechanism also scavenges aerosol pollutants, which serve as conden-
sation nuclei for cloud droplets and ice crystals. Although they improve air
quality, these scavenging mechanisms transfer pollutants to the surface, where
they can produce "acid rain."
Another chemical process in which clouds figure importantly relates to
the ozone hole in Fig. 1.19b. Because moisture is sharply confined to the
troposphere, clouds form in the stratosphere only under exceptionally cold
conditions. The Antarctic stratosphere is one of the coldest sites in the atmo-
sphere and, as a result, is populated by a rare cloud form. Thin and very high,
polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) are common over the Antarctic. Heteroge-
neous chlorine chemistry that takes place on the surfaces of cloud particles
is responsible for the formation of the ozone hole each year during Austral
1.3 Radiative Equilibrium of the Planet
The driving force for the atmosphere is the absorption of solar energy at the
earth's surface. Over timescales long compared to those controlling the redis-
tribution of energy, the earth-atmosphere system is in thermal equilibrium, so
the net energy gained must vanish. Consequently, absorption of solar radia-
tion, which is concentrated in the visible and termed shortwave (SW) radiation,
must be balanced by emission to space from the planet's surface and atmo-
sphere of terrestrial radiation, which is concentrated in the IR and termed
longwave (LW) radiation. This basic principle leads to a simple estimate of the
mean temperature of the planet.
The earth intercepts a beam of SW radiation of cross-sectional
area 7ra 2
flux Fs, as illustrated in Fig. 1.26. A fraction of the intercepted radiation, the
albedo d, is reflected back to space by the planet's surface and components
of the atmosphere. The remainder of the incident SW flux: (1 - d)F~, is then
absorbed by the earth-atmosphere system and distributed across the globe as
it spins in the line of the beam.