1.2 Composition and Structure 27
lived. A characteristic lifetime, which may be defined as the time for rn2 o in-
side an individual parcel to change significantly, is of order days. Every few
days, an air parcel encounters a warm ocean surface, where it absorbs mois-
ture through evaporation, or a region of cloudiness, where it loses water vapor
through condensation and precipitation.
Most of the water vapor in Fig. 1.14 originates near the equator at warm
ocean surfaces. Consequently, transport by the circulation plays a key role
in determining the mean distribution ~H20- Vertical and horizontal transport,
which are referred to as
respectively, each contributes
to the redistribution of rH2 o. Introduced at the surface of the tropical atmo-
sphere, water vapor is carried aloft by deep convective cells and horizontally
by large-scale eddies that disperse rH20 across the globe in complex fashion.
Some bodies of air escape production and destruction long enough for rH20
to be rearranged as a tracer.
Figure 1.15 presents for the day shown in Fig. 1.9 an image from the
6.3-/zm water vapor channel of the geostationary satellite Meteosat-2, which
observes the earth from above the Greenwich meridian (see Fig. 1.24 for
geographical landmarks). The gray scale in Fig. 1.15 represents cold emis-
sion temperatures (high altitudes) as bright, and warm emission temperatures
(low altitudes) as dark. Since the water vapor column is optically thick at
this wavelength (i.e., outgoing radiation is emitted by H20 at the highest
levels), behavior in Fig. 1.15 corresponds to the top of the moisture layer.
Bright regions indicate moisture at high altitudes and deep convective dis-
placements of surface air, whereas dark regions indicate moisture that remains
close to the earth's surface. Thus, Fig. 1.15 reflects the horizontal distribution
of rile O.
Unlike the mean distribution in Fig. 1.14, which is fairly smooth, the global
distribution of water vapor on an individual day is quite variable. The mois-
ture pattern is granular in the tropics, where water vapor has been displaced
vertically by deep convective cells that have dimensions of tens to a few hun-
dred kilometers. At middle and high latitudes, the pattern is smoother, but
still complex. Swirls of light and dark mark bodies of air that are rich and
lean in water vapor, respectively, for example, air that originated in tropical
and extratropical regions and has been rearranged by the circulation. The lo-
cal abundance reflects the history of the air parcel residing at that location,
namely, where that parcel has been and what processes influencing water vapor
have acted on it. A tongue of water vapor stretches northeastward from deep
convection over the Amazon Basin (see Fig. 1.24), across the Atlantic, and
into Africa, where it joins a tongue of drier air that is being drawn southward
behind a cyclone in the eastern Atlantic (compare Fig. 1.9a). In the Southern
Hemisphere, a band of high moisture is sharply delineated from neighboring
lower moisture along a front that trails behind a cyclone in the South Atlantic.
More relevant to radiative processes than the local concentration is the
total abundance of a species over a position on the earth's surface. The