Radiation (continued)
microwave, 199
net, 49-50
outgoing longwave, 43, 48-50, 305, 307
parallel-beam, 205
plane parallel atmosphere, 224-233
terrestrial, 41-43
thermal relaxation, 245-248, 552
top of atmosphere, 307, 311
absorption, 207-208
emission, 208-212
equation, 215
radiometric quantities, 203, 205-207
scattering, 213-214
X-ray, 216
Radiation-molecule interaction, 216-220
Radiative-convective equilibrium, 236-240
cloudy atmosphere, 302-304
greenhouse effect, 249, 250-252
thermal structure, 321
Radiative equilibrium, 41-43; see also Global
energy budget
gray atmosphere, 233-236
temperature, 211-212
thermal structure, 226, 321
Radiative heating, 241-245, 246
cloud cover, 307-309
cloud dissipation, 287
thermal equilibrium, 486
Radiative transfer, 44--46, 58, 75
absorption, 207-208
cloudy atmosphere, 295-305
directionality, 205-206, 214
emission, 208-211
gray atmosphere, 233-236
plane parallel atmosphere, 224-233
radiometric quantities, 203, 205-207
scattering, 212-215, 287-295
thermal structure, 198, 248
Radiative transfer equation, 215, 233, 295
Radioactive debris, 191
Radiometric quantities, 203, 205-207
Rain out, 41
Rate of strain, 326
Rawinsonde measurement, versus satellites,
Rayleigh-B6nard convection, 282
Rayleigh friction, 381
Rayleigh scattering, 287-290, 292, 293, 297
Rectangular coordinates, 341; see also
Cartesian coordinates
Index 617
cloud properties, 300
wave activity, 450, 454
Refractive index, 289-290, 291, 449-450
Refrigerator, 65, 84, 85
Relative concentration, 7
Relative humidity, 121, 135, 262
Relative vorticity, 387-388, 459
Restoring force, 426, 517; see also Instability
negative, 170
positive, 169
Reversibility, 79-84
entropy, 84-87
equilibrium conditions, 90-91
fundamental relations, 88-90
potential temperature, 91-93
saturated adiabatic process, 130-131
Reynolds decomposition, 408-410
Reynolds number, 317, 405
Reynolds stress, 410
Reynolds' transport theorem, 329-330, 331,
333, 337
Richardson number, 415, 417
Riming, 276
Rossby height scale, 526
Rossby number, 355, 371, 427
axisymmetric circulation, 495-496
curvilinear motion, 382, 384-385, 386
geostrophic equilibrium, 394-395
Rossby wave, see also Planetary wave
barotropic nodivergent, 459-461
nonlinear considerations, 473
planetary waves, 465-468
three-dimensional, 461-465
tropical circulation, 509
Rotating reference frame, 334-336
earth, 3
axisymmetric circulation, 495
cyclostrophic motion, 385-386
general circulation, 51
geostrophic paradox, 372
gravitational components, 143, 144-145
meridional heat transfer, 486
potential energy, 493
reference frame, 334, 336
laboratory simulation, 503-505
sun, 203
Venus, 386
Rotational energy, 213, 216
Rotational wave, 459; see also Planetary
wave; Rossby wave