17 The Middle Atmosphere
dances at middle and high latitudes. Suggested by Dobson (1930) and Brewer
(1949) to explain tracer observations, this gradual meridional overturning is
responsible for observed distributions of ozone and other chemical species in
the middle atmoSphere. The Brewer-Dobson circulation also underlies chemi-
cal production because, by displacing air out of photochemical equilibrium, it
enables chemical reactions to occur.
17.3.2 Wave Driving of the Mean Meridional Circulation
Although it may be envisioned as a zonally symmetric overturning in the
meridional plane, the Brewer-Dobson circulation is in reality accomplished
by zonally asymmetric processes. A clue to its origin lies in the radiative-
equilibrium state of the middle atmosphere (Fig. 17.10). During solstice, the
sharp gradient of heating across the polar-night terminator produces radiative-
equilibrium temperatures TRE colder than 150 K (Fig. 17.10a). These are much
colder than observed zonal-mean temperatures (Fig. 1.7), which are more
uniform latitudinally and remain above 200 K in the Northern Hemisphere.
Radiative-equilibrium winds implied by the deep layer of sharp temperature
gradient (Fig. 17.10b) intensify to more than 300 m s-l--much stronger than
observed winds (Fig. 1.8).
The observed polar-night vortex is warmer than radiative equilibrium, so it
must experience net radiative cooling (Sec. 8.5). Observed temperatures and
ozone imply cooling rates exceeding 8 K day -1 in the polar night (Fig. 8.27). By
the first law, that cooling must reduce the potential temperature of air parcels
inside the vortex. Positive stability (30/3z > 0) then implies downwelling across
isentropic surfaces (e.g., parcels sink to lower 0). Calculations in which this
diabatic cooling is prescribed (Murgatroyd and Singleton, 1961) qualitatively
reproduce the meridional circulation inferred from tracer behavior by Brewer
and Dobson.
In the Southern Hemisphere, polar temperatures as cold as 180 K are
observed. Zonal-mean winds are then commensurately faster. Colder and
stronger than its counterpart over the Arctic, the Antarctic polar-night vortex
remains closer to radiative-equilibrium behavior. According to the preceding
arguments, radiative cooling and downwelling in extratropical regions should
then be weaker. Similar considerations apply to the summertime circulation
(compare Fig. 8.27), in which strong easterlies block planetary wave propaga-
tion from below (Sec. 14.5). 2
The key to understanding interhemispheric differences of the circumpolar
vortex lies in understanding how the circulation is maintained out of radiative
equilibrium. Observed motion during winter is rarely in a quiescent state of
zonal symmetry, especially in the Northern Hemisphere, where the circumpolar
2The absence of eddy motion enables the cloud of volcanic debris in Fig. 9.6 to remain
confined meridionally through the summer season. When the zonal flow reverses near equinox and
planetary waves emerge from below, the volcanic cloud is quickly dispersed over the hemisphere.