15.17. Show that the temperature profile
To(b) - Too - 6Tsin 4 ~b
makes the solution in Sec. 15.2 valid up to the equator.
Observed zonal-mean flow in the troposphere is easterly at low lat-
itudes and westerly at middle and high latitudes (Fig. 1.8). Surface
drag must then represent a sink of easterly momentum at low latitudes,
which is equivalent to a source of westerly momentum there, and a
sink of westerly momentum at middle and high latitudes. On average,
the atmosphere's angular momentum remains constant, so the Preced -
ing source and sink of momentum must be compensated by a poleward
transfer of westerly momentum. (a) Demonstrate that transport of an-
gular momentum by the zonal-mean Hadley circulation produces a
momentum flux fi-~ of the correct sense to accomplish this transfer of
westerly momentum. (b) Not all of the momentum transfer required to
maintain equilibrium is accomplished by the zonal-mean Hadley cir-
culation. The remainder occurs through large-scale eddy transport. In
terms of horizontal phase structure and group velocity, describe the
meridional propagation of Rossby waves needed to accomplish the re-
maining momentum transfer between tropical and extratropical regions.
The length of day can vary through exchanges of momentum between
the atmosphere and solid earth. (a) Estimate the velocity fluctuation
over the equator corresponding to observed fluctuations in the length
of day of order 10 -3 s, if the earth has a mean density of order 5.0 x
103 kg m -3 and if the atmosphere responds through uniform changes of
angular velocity. (b) More generally, where would velocity fluctuations
most effectively introduce changes in the length of day?
Describe how sloping convection lowers the center of gravity of air to
release available potential energy.
Discuss how horizontal rearrangement of air by baroclinic eddies drives
thermal structure toward barotropic stratification.
Relate heat transfer inside convective and cloud-free regions to the
distribution of surface pressure in the tropics.
(a) Use observed distributions of precipitation rate (Fig. 9.38) and
total precipitable water vapor (Fig. 1.16) to calculate a characteristic
timescale for the column abundance of water vapor in the tropics.
(b) Discuss this timescale in relation to the efficiency of dehydration
inside individual convective cells, their fractional coverage, and the
efficiency with which water vapor is produced at the earth's surface.
Describe the disturbed Walker circulation and trade winds in the Pacific
anticipated during E1 Nifio, when convection is found near the dateline.