6.4 Stratification 151
pressure. Therefore, pressure can be used as an alternative to height for the
vertical coordinate. Isobaric coordinates, which are developed in Chapter 11,
use surfaces of constant pressure for coordinate surfaces. Although they evolve
with the circulation, isobaric coordinates afford several advantages.
In isobaric coordinates, pressure becomes the independent variable and
the height of an isobaric surface becomes the dependent variable, for exam-
ple, z2 =
z(x, y,
P2). Because pressure decreases monotonically with height,
low height of an isobaric surface corresponds to low pressure on a surface of
constant height and just the reverse for high values (Fig. 6.2). For the same
reason, contours of isobaric height resemble isobars on a surface of constant
height. Consequently, the horizontal distribution of isobaric height may be in-
terpreted analogously to the distribution of pressure on a surface of constant
height. From hydrostatic equilibrium, the latter represents the weight of the
atmospheric column above a given height. Therefore, the distribution of iso-
baric height reflects the horizontal distribution of atmospheric mass above the
mean elevation of that isobaric surface.
Contours of 500-mb height that delineate the polar front in Fig. 1.9a cor-
respond to isobars on the constant height surface: z ,~ 5.5 km, with pressure
decreasing toward the pole. Thus, less atmospheric column lies above that el-
evation poleward of the front than equatorward of the front. Figure 6.4 shows
a meridional cross section of the thermal structure and motion in Figs. 6.3
and 1.9a. The horizontal distribution of mass just noted results from compres-
sion of isobaric surfaces poleward of the front, which is centered near 40 N, and
expansion equatorward of the front. This introduces a tilt to isobaric surfaces at
midlatitudes, one that steepens with height. The jet stream is found in the same
region and likewise intensifies vertically, to a maximum near the tropopause.
Similar behavior at high latitudes marks the base of the polar-night jet.
6.4 Stratification
Expressions (2.33) and (5.32) for the dry adiabatic and saturated adiabatic
lapse rates, which describe the evolution of a displaced air parcel under unsat-
urated and saturated conditions, respectively, hold formally with z representing
geopotential height and g constant. Neither Fa nor Fs has a direct relation-
ship to the temperature of the surroundings because a displaced parcel is
thermally isolated under adiabatic conditions. Thermal properties of the en-
vironment are dictated by the history of air residing at a given location, for
example, by where that air has been and what thermodynamic influences have
acted on it. The
environmental lapse rate
is defined as
where T refers to the ambient temperature. Like parcel lapse rates, F > 0
corresponds to temperature decreasing with height. Conversely, F < 0 cor-