7.6 Turbulent Dispersion 189
stability. These forms of heat transfer are symbolic of the stratosphere, where
ozone heating increases with height to stabilize the thermal structure. By
inhibiting vertical motion, strong stability suppresses turbulent dispersion and
allows constituents to become highly stratified. Work must then be performed
against buoyancy to drive vertical motion, which makes the general circulation
of the stratosphere behave as a refrigerator (Fig. 6.8).
According to Secs. 7.2 and 7.4, moisture also figures in the stability of a
layer. If the lapse rate is conditionally unstable (7.9.3), increasing a layer's
mixing ratio lowers the LCL and hence the LFC of individual parcels, which
in turn increase CAPE to drive deep convection (compare Fig. 7.6). Likewise,
increasing r in lower portions of the layer (e.g., through absorption of water
vapor from a warm ocean surface) increases the equivalent potential temper-
ature there, which swings the profile of 0e counterclockwise and drives
toward negative values. Thus, introducing moisture from below, such as oc-
curs over warm ocean surfaces and reflects a transfer of latent heat across
the layer's lower boundary, drives the tropical troposphere toward potential
For conditional and potential instability, finite displacements of air~
whether they be of an individual air parcel or of a layer
in toto,
result in buoyantly driven convection. However, for each, a finite potential
well must be overcome before the instability can be released. Due to the
source of water vapor at its base, lower portions of the tropical troposphere
are potentially unstable. Figure 7.12 shows mean distributions of 0e and N 2
over the equatorial western Pacific. In the lowest 3 km, 0e decreases with
height, whereas N 2 > 0 implies that 0 increases with height. Despite such
instability, deep convection breaks out in preferred regions, where forced
lifting is prevalent (Fig. 1.25). Over the Indian Ocean and western Pacific,
equatorward-moving air driven by thermal contrasts between sea and neigh-
boring continents converges horizontally to produce forced ascent. Similarly,
diurnal heating of tropical landmasses imparts enough buoyancy for sur-
face air over the maritime continent, South America, and tropical Africa to
overcome the potential well.
7.6 Turbulent Dispersion
7.6.1 Convective Mixing
Hydrostatic stability controls a layer's ability to support vertical motion and
hence mixing by 3-D turbulence. Regions of weak or negative stability favor
convective overturning, which results in thorough mixing of air. This situation
is common near the ground because absorption of shortwave (SW) radiation
destabilizes the surface layer. Introducing moisture from below has a similar
effect by increasing the equivalent potential temperature of surface air, which