7.6 Turbulent Dispersion 191
of radiative, latent, and sensible heat from the earth's surface, which destabi-
lize the overlying atmosphere. Organized convection, which is reinforced by
the release of latent heat, opposes those destabilizing influences to maintain
much of the tropical troposphere close to moist neutral stability. Cumulus
convection also operates outside the tropics, but it is organized in continental
monsoons (e.g., over India and Australia) and synoptic disturbances. Frontal
motions associated with cyclones, like the one in the eastern Atlantic in Fig.
1.23, cause organized lifting of air through sloping convection. By displacing
moist and often conditionally or potentially unstable air that originated in the
tropics, those motions favor convection, which likewise drives mean stratifica-
tion toward moist neutral stability.
7.6.2 Inversions
Contrary to the troposphere, the stratosphere is characterized by strong pos-
itive stability. Ozone heating makes temperature increase and potential tem-
perature increase sharply with height (Fig. 6.5). The potential temperature
increases from about 350 K near the tropopause to more than 1000 K near
10 mb. The sharp vertical gradient of 0 is associated with a strong positive
restoring force, one that suppresses vertical motions and 3-D turbulence and
allows chemical constituents to become highly stratified.
Unlike the troposphere, where air is efficiently rearranged in the vertical,
the stratosphere has a characteristic timescale for vertical exchange of months
to years. The layered nature of the stratosphere is occasionally demonstrated
by volcanic eruptions, which loft debris above the tropopause. During the
1950s and 1960s, nuclear detonations introduced radioactive debris into the
stratosphere. Because they have very slow sedimentation rates, aerosol parti-
cles introduced in this manner behave as tracers. Volcanic and nuclear debris
are observed to undergo little or no vertical motion, instead fanning out hori-
zontally into clouds of global dimension that remain intact for many months
(see Fig. 9.6). The great eruption of Krakatoa, which destroyed the Indonesian
island of the same name in 1883, altered radiative properties of the strato-
sphere and the color of sunsets for years afterward. The long residence time
of stratospheric aerosol allows it to alter SW absorption at the earth's surface
for long durations, which makes it an important consideration in the global en-
ergy budget. In sharp contrast, tropospheric aerosol (e.g., from deforestation
and the Kuwaiti oil fires) is eliminated by convective processes on a timescale
of only days (Chapter 9).
Convective cells do not penetrate appreciably above the tropopause, where
N 2 and the restoring force of buoyancy increase abruptly (Fig. 7.12). Upon
encountering this sharp increase of stability, an ascending plume is quickly
drained of positive buoyancy and fans out horizontally to form a cloud anvil,
as typifies the mature stage of cumulonimbus thunderstorms. Similar behav-
ior is occasionally observed at intermediate levels of the troposphere, when