6.5 Lagrangian Interpretation of Stratification 161
Under those circumstances, an air parcel moving vertically interacts ther-
mally with its environment. Because 0 is no longer conserved, diabatic motion
implies a different thermal structure. Consider a layer characterized by
Fd > F = const, (6.30.1)
the stratification of which is termed subadiabatic: Temperature decreases with
height slower than dry adiabatic. By (6.18), 0 increases with height (compare
Fig. 6.5). Then (6.25) together with (2.37) gives
6q > 0 dT > 0 (6.30.2)
6q < 0 dT < 0
for F < 0 (temperature increasing with height) and c and 6q with reversed
inequalities for F > 0. Both imply that an air parcel absorbs heat during
ascent and rejects heat during descent, so its potential temperature increases
with height. As illustrated in Fig. 6.8, heat is rejected at high temperature in
upper levels and absorbed at low temperature in lower levels. By the second
law, net heat is rejected over a cycle. Then the first law implies that net work
must be performed on the parcel for it to traverse the circuit. More work
is performed on the parcel during descent than is performed by the parcel
during ascent. 3
Opposite to the troposphere, this behavior is characteristic of the strato-
sphere. Net heat rejection and work performed on individual air parcels make
the general circulation of the stratosphere behave as a refrigerator, one driven
mechanically by waves that propagate upward from the troposphere. By rear-
ranging air, planetary waves exert an influence on the stratosphere analogous
to paddle work. When dissipated, they cause air at middle and high latitudes
to cool radiatively, so individual parcels sink across isentropic surfaces to lower
0 (see Figs. 8.27 and 17.11). Conversely, air at low latitudes warms radiatively,
so parcels then rise to higher 0.
For both, vertical motion is slow enough to make diabatic effects important
and to allow the temperature of individual parcels to increase with height.
This feature of the stratospheric circulation follows from buoyancy. Contrary
to the troposphere, buoyancy in the stratosphere strongly restrains vertical
motion because, on average, warmer (high 0) air overlies cooler (low 0) air.
Work performed on the stratosphere against the opposition of buoyancy leads
to a redistribution of mass, when heavier air at lower levels is exchanged with
lighter air at upper levels. The latter represents a conversion of kinetic energy
3 In practice, this paradigm can be pushed only so far because stratospheric air must eventually
enter the troposphere to complete the thermodynamic cycle (refer to Fig. 17.9), which makes the
stratosphere an open system.