Finite Displacements
Above the undisturbed level but below the LFC, T' < T, so P increases
upward (Fig. 7.6b). Beneath the undisturbed level, T' and T are reversed,
so P increases downward as well. Increasing P away from the equilibrium
level describes a "potential well" in which the parcel is bound. Work must
be performed against the positive restoring force of buoyancy to liberate the
parcel from this potential well.
Once the parcel reaches its LFC, where P is a maximum, that work is
available for conversion to kinetic energy K. Above the LFC, T' > T, so P
decreases upward. Under conservative conditions,
AK = -AP. (7.15.1)
An equivalent expression follows from (7.2), the derivation of which is left as
an exercise. By (7.15.1), decreasing P above the LFC represents a conversion
of potential energy to kinetic energy, which drives deep convection through
buoyancy work.
The total potential energy available for conversion to kinetic energy is
termed the convective available potential energy (CAPE). Represented by the
darkly shaded area in Fig. 7.6a, that energy reflects the total work performed
by buoyancy above the LFC and the large drop of potential energy in Fig. 7.6b.
Since the parcel's temperature eventually crosses the environmental tempera-
ture profile a second time (at the crossing level Pc), CAPE is necessarily finite,
as is the kinetic energy that can be acquired by the parcel. An upper bound
on the parcel's kinetic energy follows from (7.15.1) as
2 = P(PLFC) -- P(Pc)
- R (r'- r)(-dln p) = CAPE, (7.15.2)
which corresponds to adiabatic ascent under conservative conditions. However,
in practice, mixing with its surroundings makes the behavior inside convection
inherently nonconservative (Sec. 7.4.2), so the upward velocity in (7.15.2) is
seldom observed.
Above the crossing level, where the parcel is neutrally buoyant, T' and T
are again reversed, so P increases upward above Pc. The parcel then becomes
negatively buoyant and is bound in another potential well. Despite opposition
by buoyancy, the parcel overshoots its new equilibrium level Pc due to the
kinetic energy it acquired above the LFC. However, P increases sharply above
Pc because environmental temperature above the tropopause diverges from
the parcel's temperature. Consequently, penetration into the stable layer aloft
is shallow compared to the depth traversed through the conditionally unstable
layer below. When the parcel reaches the penetration level pp, where P equals
the previous maximum at the LFC, all of the kinetic energy it acquired above
the LFC has been reconverted into potential energy, so the parcel is again