200 8
sorbed at high levels in connection with photodissociation and photoionization
of 02 and 03. As a result, very little of the UV incident on the top of the
atmosphere reaches the tropopause. By contrast, the bulk of the spectrum in
the visible and near-IR regions arrives at the tropopause unattenuated, with
the exception of narrow absorption bands of water vapor and carbon dioxide.
However, in passing from 11 km to the ground, the remaining SW spectrum
is substantially absorbed in the IR by water vapor and carbon dioxide, ab-
solute concentrations of which are large in the troposphere. Consequently,
the spectrum of SW radiation reaching the surface is concentrated at visible
wavelengths, for which the atmosphere is mostly transparent.
In contrast to solar radiation, LW radiation emitted by the earth's surface
is almost completely absorbedmmost notably by H20 in a wide band centered
at 6.3/zm and another in the far infrared, by CO2 in a band centered at 15/zm
near the peak of the LW emission spectrum, and by a variety of trace gases
including 03,
and N20. Consequently, most of the LW energy emitted
at the ground is captured in the overlying air. That energy must be reemitted,
half upward and half back downward. The upward component then undergoes
repeated absorption and reemission in adjacent layers until it is eventually
rejected to space. This sequence of radiative exchanges traps LW radiation
and, through mechanisms developed later in this chapter, elevates the surface
temperature of the earth.
A comparison of Figs. 8.1b and 8.1c indicates that most of the LW energy
emitted by the surface is absorbed in the troposphere. Only in the atmospheric
window at wavelengths of 8 to 12/zm is absorption weak enough for much of
the LW radiation emitted by the surface to pass freely through the atmosphere.
The 9.6-/xm band of ozone, which is positioned inside this window, is the only
strong absorber at those wavelengths. Most of that absorption takes place in
the stratosphere, where ozone concentrations are large.
8.1.1 Spectra of Observed SW and LW Radiation
The most important property of the SW spectrum is the solar constant, which
represents the flux of radiant energy integrated over wavelength reaching the
top of the atmosphere at the mean earth-sun distance. The solar constant
is weakly variable, having a value of about 1370 W m -2 according to recent
satellite measurements. When distributed over the globe, this SW flux leads to
the daily insolation shown in Fig. 1.28, which follows primarily from the length
of day and solar inclination for particular latitudes and times of year.
Spectra of observed SW and LW radiation are shaped by the absorption
characteristics described above. At the top of the atmosphere (Fig. 8.2), the
solar spectrum resembles the emission spectrum of a blackbody at about 6000
K. That temperature is characteristic of the sun's photosphere, where most of
the radiation is emitted. Wavelengths shorter than 300 nm deviate from this
simple picture, instead reflecting temperatures of 4500 to 5000 K, which are