232 8
Atmospheric Radiation
For any specified A r~, an effective inclination /2 may be found such that
the exponential integral over zenith angle is given by
2E3(Ar~) = exp ----~- . (8.53.1)
Because contributions to (8.51) are restricted to Ar~ ~ 1, the parameter/2-1,
which is referred to as the
diffusivity factor,
is likewise restricted to a narrow
range of values. For A%, = 1, the diffusivity factor assumes the value
/2_ 1 _~ 5 (8.53.2)
The implication of this analysis is that the zenith angle dependence in (8.51)
can be eliminated in favor of an effective inclination/2, which reduces the
multidimensional description to integrals over optical depth alone. Diffuse
transmission which is embodied in ~(~'~) is then equivalent to that of a colli-
mated beam inclined at a zenith angle of 53 ~
~(r~) = ~(r~,/2) (8.53.3)
or, alternatively, inclined at zero zenith angle but through an optical thickness
expanded by a factor of 3"
Known as the
exponential kernel approximation,
this simplification follows
from the fact that radiative exchange in strong bands is dominated by spectral
intervals in which A~- = 1. For this reason, most of the LW radiation emitted
by the earth's surface is captured in the lower troposphere, which is made
optically thick by strong absorption bands of water vapor and carbon dioxide.
Likewise, incident SW radiation in particular wavelengths of UV is absorbed
in the stratosphere over a limited range of altitude (Fig. 8.3), which is made
optically thick by photodissociation at those wavelengths. 2 The development
leading to (8.53) is one of several so-called
two-stream approximations
eliminate the zenith angle dependence in Ft and F+. Applicable under fairly
wide circumstances (e.g., in the presence of scattering), this formalism leads
to diffusivity factors in the range 23- < t2 -1 < 2, depending on the particular
approximation adopted.
Because/x enters the equations jointly with ~-~, the full description of ra-
diative transfer in a plane parallel atmosphere can be reduced to a vertical
description by taking/x = -t-/2 for upwelling and downwelling radiation and
introducing the transformation
9 ._ /~-1
'/'A 7"A
F~*(T]) = 7rlA(T ~, -+-/2),
2For weak bands that are unsaturated near their centers, energy exchange may arrive from
smaller values of At., which correspond to larger values of/2 -1.