246 8
its surroundings, LW and SW contributions to its radiation budget balance, so
net heating vanishes. If disturbed from radiative-equilibrium (e.g., by motions
that displace air into different radiative environments), a layer will experience
net heating or cooling (8.73), which tends to restore the layer to radiative equi-
librium. For example, polar air drawn equatorward by a cyclone will find itself
colder than the radiative-equilibrium temperature of its new environment (Fig.
1.15). Net radiative heating then acts to destroy the temperature anomaly by dri-
ving that air toward the local radiative equilibrium temperature. Since the circu-
lation is related to the thermal structure (Figs. 1.9a and 10a), dissipating anom-
alous temperature alsodissipates anomalous motion.
In the absence of other forms of heat transfer, the temperature field is
described by (8.56), with the heating rate given by (8.73). The first term in
(8.73), which describes cooling to space, often dominates radiative heating.
Figure 8.28 compares the total heating for water vapor, carbon dioxide, and
ozone against cooling to space alone. Over much of the troposphere and
stratosphere, cooling to space provides an accurate approximation to net ra-
diative heating. Exceptional is ozone in the lower stratosphere, which absorbs
upwelling 9.6-/xm radiation from below.
The agreement in Fig. 8.28 under widely varying circumstances is the basis
for the
cool-to-space approximation,
which, for a particular frequency band,
can be expressed
d T 1 d ~-~ ( z* - c~ )
~_ --B*[T(z*)] ,
dt pCp dz*
where vertical motion (e.g.,
is ignored, z* includes the diffusivity factor
(8.54.1), and summation over different absorbers is understood. Away from the
surface and in the absence of strong curvature of the emission profile, (8.78)
accurately represents cooling due to both water vapor and carbon dioxide.
These conditions hold for temperature disturbances of large vertical scale, for
which interactions with underlying and overlying layers is negligible. Emission
to space of monochromatic radiation then takes place from a Chapman layer,
analogous to absorption of SW radiation, so emission over a finite spectral
band can be interpreted in terms of a series of Chapman layers.
Consider a disturbance
T'(z, t)
to an equilibrium temperature profile
T0(z). 4 If
T'/T o
<< 1 and if the cool-to-space approximation applies, the
emission in (8.78) can be linearized in T' to obtain
~T' _ _ 1 dB*[To(z,)]d~(z* - c~) . T'
3t poCp dT dz*
= -t~(z*)T'
equilibrium thermal structure can be maintained by heat transfer other than radiation
alone, but we will take To to represent the radiative-equilibrium temperature.