9.3 Macroscopic Characteristics of Clouds
9.3 Macroscopic Characteristics of Clouds
9.3.1 Formation and Classification of Clouds
Most clouds develop through vertical motion, when moist air is lifted above
its lifting condensation level (LCL) and becomes supersaturated. Clouds fall
into three broad categories:
1. Stratiform
(meaning "layered")clouds develop from large-scale lift-
ing of a stable layer. Characteristic of sloping convection, this process is
exemplified by warm moist air that overrides cold heavier air along a warm
front. Vertical motion accompanying stratus cloud development is of order
1 cm s -1 and the characteristic lifetime of these clouds is of order 1 day.
2. Cumuliform
(meaning "piled")
develop from isolated air
plumes that ascend buoyantly. Associated with cellular convection, cu-
mulous clouds grow through positive buoyancy supplied via sensible heat
transfer from the surface and latent heat released to the air during con-
densation, both of which make these clouds dynamic. Updrafts are of
order 1 m s -1 in developing cumulus, but can be several tens of m s -1 in or-
ganized mature cells like
cumulus congestus
The char-
acteristic lifetime of cumulus clouds ranges from a few minutes to hours.
3. Cirriform
(meaning "fibrous")
develop through either of the
preceding forms of lifting. Found at high altitudes, cirrus clouds are com-
posed chiefly of ice particles, the larger components of which descend in
fallstreaks or
mares' tails
that give these clouds their characteristic wispy
appearance (Fig. 9.15).
Additional terms like
which denote precipitation bearing and
midlevel, respectively, are used to specify particular cloud types (WMO, 1969).
Cumulus clouds develop in association with a plume of rising air known as a
(Fig. 5.4), which can be treated as a succession of buoyant air parcels.
Laboratory simulations reveal the development of a thermal to be closely
related to its dissipation (Fig. 9.16a). A mass of buoyant fluid is transformed
into a toroidal vortex ring (analogous to a smoke ring), which is characterized
by a hole in its center and a complex array of protrusions along its advancing
surface. Buoyant fluid penetrates its surroundings by entraining environmental
fluid into its center (Fig. 9.16b). This process dilutes its buoyancy and causes
the thermal to expand at an angle of about 15 ~ from the vertical. The buoyant
mass is turned completely inside out after advancing about 1.5 diameters,
during which it has become thoroughly mixed with surrounding fluid and its
buoyancy has been destroyed. The direct involvement of vorticity is illustrated
in the trajectory of individual air parcels, which may complete several circuits
about the advancing vortex ring before falling out of its influence.
Expansion is less evident in cumulus cloud because mixing with drier environ-
mental air leads to evaporation along its periphery. Because observed liquid water