Roles of Clouds and Aerosol in
Climate 305
Situating the cloud below 2 km recovers nearly the same surface temperature
as under cloud-free conditions. The scattering layer is then embedded inside
the optically thick layer of water vapor, so the cloud does not alter the effective
emission temperature of the atmosphere. However,
> 2 km leads to warmer
surface temperature, which increases steadily with the cloud's height. By
Zc = 8
km, T s has increased 27 K to maintain the cloud at the equivalent blackbody
temperature of the earth (Problem 9.40).
Water clouds become optically thick to LW radiation for liquid water paths
~t greater than about 20 g
m -2
(see, e.g., Stephens, 1984), wherein they behave
as blackbodies. The LW characteristics of ice clouds are more complex, at
least for those that are optically thin. The emissivity (LW absorptivity) of thin
cirrus with ice water paths less than 10 g m -2 (which is typical of cirrus 1 km
thick) is 0.5 or smaller and may vary diurnally with convection (Platt
et aL,
1984b). However, even cirrus emits approximately as a blackbody for
sufficiently large. Figure 9.35 shows spectra of outgoing LW radiation (OLR)
in the tropics over a clear-sky region and several neighboring cirrus-covered
regions of different optical depths. Cirrus reduces the radiation emitted to
space throughout the LW, except near 15/xm, where radiation emitted by the
surface has already been absorbed by underlying CO2. By an optical depth
of ~'c = 5, OLR has approached the blackbody spectrum with a temperature
equal to the cirrus temperature of 230 K. The effect of cirrus is to remove
the layer emitting to space to a higher level and colder temperature. Outgoing
radiation is most reduced in the atmospheric window between 8 and 12/xm,
where radiation emitted by the surface passes relatively freely through the
atmosphere under cloud-free conditions.
Contrary to the preceding treatment, real clouds have only finite horizontal
extent. A finite cloud scatters energy out its sides, which allows neighbor-
ing clouds to interact. Energy lost through the sides of a cloud exceeds SW
absorption for aspect ratios as small as 1/20 (Cox, 1981), so finite extent is im-
portant for all but extensive stratiform decks. Optical characteristics are then
sensitive to the vertical distribution of microphysical properties. A cloud hav-
ing the smallest droplets near its base will be less reflective than one having
the smallest droplets near its top because, in the former case, much of the SW
energy will have already been scattered out the sides before the highly reflec-
tive droplets are encountered. Finite cloud can also increase SW absorption
by reducing the effective solar zenith angle.
9.5 Roles of Clouds and Aerosol in Climate
Clouds modify the global energy balance by altering the absorption and scat-
tering characteristics of the atmosphere. The largest variations of albedo and
OLR in Fig. 1.29 are associated with clouds (see, e.g., Ramanathan
et al.,
1989). Convection also supports large transfers of sensible and latent heat