338 10 Atmospheric Motion
where d/dt represents the Lagrangian derivative (10.10). Multiplying by p and
introducing the continuity equation (10.4) transforms this into
pcpT dO dT
0 dt = PCv--~ + pV. v. (10.37)
Then incorporating (10.37) into (10.34) absorbs the compression work into the
time rate of change of 0 to yield the thermodynamic equation
cpT dO
P--if- d-~ = -V. F + V. (kVT) + pq. (10.38)
Collectively, the continuity, momentum, and thermodynamic equations
represent five partial differential equations in five dependent field variables:
three components of motion and two independent thermodynamic proper-
ties. Advective contributions to the material derivative, like advection of mo-
mentum v. Vv and of temperature v. VT, make the governing equations
quadratically nonlinear. Their solution requires initial conditions that specify
the preliminary state of the atmosphere and boundary conditions that specify
its properties along physical borders. Referred to as the equations of motion,
these equations govern the behavior of a compressible, stratified atmosphere
in a rotating reference flame. As such, they constitute, the starting point for
dynamical investigations, as well for investigations of chemistry and radiation
in the presence of motion.
Suggested Reading
Vectors, Tensors, and the Basic Equations of Fluid Mechanics (1962) by Aris
includes an excellent development of the kinematics of fluid motion and of
the governing equations from a Lagrangian perspective.
An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology (1992) by Holton contains alternate
derivations of the continuity and thermodynamic equations from the Eulerian
perspective. It includes an illuminating derivation of the total energy balance
for a material element in terms of contributions from mechanical energy and
internal energy.
10.1. Show that the antisymmetric component of the velocity gradient tensor
can be expressed in terms of the angular velocity vector & in (10.7).
10.2. Show that the vorticity equals twice the local angular velocity (10.8).
10.3. Derive the integral identity
pc v + V + pV pit dV' -O
(t) --d-f " q 9 v -
governing a material volume V(t).