water content of 0.66 g m -3 and a scattering-equivalent mean droplet
radius of 12/zm.
Satellite measurements of SW radiation enable the albedo of clouds to be
determined, from which the cloud optical depth can be inferred. (a) Plot
cloud albedo as a function of optical depth for a solar zenith angle of
30 ~ presuming a homogeneous scattering layer and a black underlying
surface. (b) Discuss the sensitivity of cloud albedo to changes in optical
depth for ~'c > 50. What implications does this have for inferring optical
A satellite measuring backscattered SW radiation and LW radiation emit-
ted at 11 /xm observes a tropical cloud with an albedo of 0.9 and a
brightness temperature of 220 K. If the solar zenith angle is 30 ~ and
a scattering-equivalent radius of 5 /xm applies, use the result of Prob-
lem 9.37 to estimate (a) the liquid water path of the cloud and (b) the
cloud's average liquid water content if it is 1 km thick.
A homogeneous cloud layer of optical depth ~'c is illuminated by the
solar flux
at a zenith angle 0s - cos -a/Xs. If the surface is gray with
absorptivity a, (a) derive expressions for the upwelling and downwelling
diffuse fluxes inside the scattering layer and (b) plot the albedo and
transmissivity, as functions of a, for overhead sun and ~c - 20.
Consider the radiative-convective equilibrium for the cloudy atmosphere
in Fig. 9.33. (a) Explain why the surface temperature in Fig. 9.34 increases
linearly with the cloud's height once the cloud is elevated sufficiently
above the surface. (b) Nearly identical results are obtained for other
cloud optical depths. Why?
Satellite observations reveal the following scene properties for a region of
maritime convection in the tropics: a fractional cloud cover of 0.5, average
clear-sky and overcast albedos of 0.2 and 0.8, respectively, and average
clear-sky and overcast LW fluxes of 350 and 100 W m -2, respectively.
Calculate the average SW, LW, and net cloud forcing for the region.
Use the mean latent heat flux to the atmosphere, 90 W m -2 (Fig. 1.27),
to estimate the global-mean precipitation rate.
Estimate the fraction of the water vapor column in the tropics that is
processed by convection during one day. Reconcile this fraction with the
characteristic timescale and depth of individual convective cells.
Use the mean annual precipitation in Fig. 9.38 and a characteristic
tropopause height of 16 km to estimate the latent heating rate inside
the ITCZ.
Consider a horizontal interface separating two conservative media with
real refractive indices n l and n2. Use the condition that the horizontal
trace speed of electromagnetic waves (Sec. 14.1.2) must be identical on