Radiative Transfer in Aerosol and Cloud
(compare Fig. 9.23). The weak dependence on wavelength and the fact that
droplet size spectra span several oscillations in Q~ explain why clouds appear
For nonconservative scattering
(m i > 0), Q~
exhibits similar behavior, but
the oscillations due to interference are damped out with increasing absorption
(since radiation emerges from the sphere progressively weaker). By
mi = 1,
only the maximum near x = 2~r remains. Increased attenuation inside the
sphere also reduces the limiting value of
for x --+ c~, by absorbing energy
that would otherwise contribute to the scattered wave field. Far from the
sphere, radiation exhibits strong forward scattering (e.g., Fig. 8.8b), but is
complicated for an individual sphere by rapid fluctuations with 19 that result
from interference.
Under the conditions of independent scattering, properties of a population
of spheres follow by collecting contributions from the individual particles. The
scattering and extinction coefficients are then given by
~s =
] &sdn(a),
13e = /
dn(a) - (dn/da)da
describes the droplet size spectrum. The single
scattering albedo for the population is characterized by
o) = --. (9.33)
Similarly, the optical depth of a cloud of thickness
can be estimated as
T c -- ~ eAZc,
is representative of the cloud as a whole.
Figure 9.27 shows, for several wavelengths, the phase function (solid lines)
corresponding to a droplet size spectrum representative of cumulus (Fig. 9.23).
Compared to Rayleigh scattering (dashed line), Mie scattering possesses much
stronger directionality. All A shown exhibit strong forward scattering, especially
shorter wavelengths, which are sharply peaked about 19 = 0 and for which
absorption is small (Fig. 9.25b). A weaker maximum appears at backward
scattering for wavelengths in the near-IR and visible regions.
The mean extinction cross section for the population: (Ore) -
9.28a), is nearly constant across the visible, where cloud droplets are large
(9.31). Weak absorption at those wavelengths leads to a single scattering
albedo (Fig. 9.28b) of near unity, so ~r e ~ ~r s and scattering is likewise wave-
length independent. Individual components of sunlight are then scattered with
equal efficiency, so the cloud appears white. The extinction cross section at-
tains a maximum near 5/xm, at a wavelength comparable to the mean radius
of cloud droplets (Fig. 9.23), and falls off at longer wavelength. Because oJ --- 1