I0 Atmospheric Motion
Demonstrate that the Coriolis force does not enter the budget of spe-
cific kinetic energy Ivl2/2.
Show that the vorticity ~" = k. 7 • v is a conserved property for two-
dimensional nondivergent motion in an inertial reference frame.
Simplify the equations of motion for the special case of (a) incompress-
ible motion, wherein the volume of a material element is conserved,
and (b) adiabatic motion.
Describe the circumstances under which a property qJ is conserved, yet
varies spatially in a steady flow.
The stress tensor in a Newtonian fluid is described by
Tij _P6ij_q_(tZ,
= - -~/x 6ijV. v + 2/~eij,
where/x' is the so-called
bulk viscosity.
(a) Determine the average of
the normal stresses in the three coordinate directions and discuss its
relationship to the thermodynamic pressure p. (b) As in part (a), but
for/z' = 0, which describes a
Stokesian fluid.
(c) Show that the stress
tensor reduces to (10.22) and the drag to (10.23.2) if the motion is
A free surface is one that moves to alleviate any stress and maintain
z = 0. If the rate of strain tensor is dominated by the vertical shears
describe how the horizontal velocity varies adjacent
to a free surface.
A geostationary satellite is positioned over 30 ~ latitude and 0 ~ longi-
tude. From it, a projectile is fired northward at a speed v0. By assuming
the deflection of the projectile's trajectory to be small and ignoring
sphericity and the satellite's altitude, estimate the longitude where the
projectile crosses 45 ~ latitude if (a) v0 = 1000 m s -], (b) v0 = 100
m s -1,
and (c) v0 = 10 ms -1. (d) For each of the preceding results, evaluate
the dimensionless timescale for the traversal scaled by that for rotation
of the earth.
10.19. Consider a parcel with local speed v, the natural coordinate s measured
along the parcel's trajectory, and a unit vector s that is everywhere
tangential to the trajectory. (a) Express the material derivative in terms
of v, s, and s. (b) Show that the material acceleration is described by
dv dv ds
dt dt dt
(c) Interpret the two accelerations appearing on the right.
10.20. In terms of Newton's third law, explain how turbulent mixing can exert
drag on a moving air parcel.