Large-Scale Motion
Proudman columns?
The atmosphere is not homogeneous nor incompressible.
Nevertheless, it possesses an analogue of Taylor-Proudman behavior, which
provides an essential relationship between horizontal motion and stratification.
12.2.1 Classes of Stratification
The circulation is closely related to the stratification, which is represented
in the distributions of thermodynamic properties. For dry air, only two such
properties are independent (Sec. 2.1.4). Therefore, any two families of ther-
modynamic surfaces uniquely describe the stratification (Fig. 12.5). Mathemat-
ically, this is expressed by 0 =
O(p, T),
where p and T are functions of space
and time.
Should isentropic surfaces coincide with isobaric surfaces (Fig. 12.5a), 0 =
and the stratification is said to be
Under barotropic stratifi-
cation, the circulation possesses only one thermodynamic degree of freedom,
which is reflected in the single independent family of thermodynamic surfaces.
Because other thermodynamic surfaces coincide with that family, specifying p
uniquely determines 0, which, in turn, determines the thermodynamic state
and all other thermodynamic properties.
More generally, two families of thermodynamic surfaces do not coincide
(Fig. 12.5b), so 0 =
O(p, T).
The stratification is then said to be
Under baroclinic stratification, the circulation possesses two thermodynamic
degrees of freedom. Consequently, along any thermodynamic surface, other
thermodynamic properties vary. The geostrophic velocity then changes with
elevation and, as demonstrated below, it does so in direct proportion to the
variation of temperature along isobaric surfaces.
12.2.2 Thermal Wind Balance
Under barotropic stratification, temperature variations along isobaric sur-
faces vanish. Integrating the hypsometric relationship (6.12) upward from the
ground then gives 9 as a contribution from the lower boundary (which may
vary horizontally) plus a function of pressure alone (Problem 12.20). The dis-
tribution of height contours then does not change from one isobaric surface to
another. It follows that the geostrophic velocity (12.1.2) is independent of el-
evation. Invariant in the direction of
geostrophic motion under barotropic
stratification (wherein density is uniform along isobaric surfaces) is analogous
to Taylor-Proudman flow for a homogeneous incompressible fluid.
Under baroclinic stratification, T varies along isobaric surfaces. By differ-
entiating (12.1.2) with respect to p, we obtain
~Vg 1 ~
= ~kx Vp~. (12.10)
3See Greenspan (1968) for a laboratory demonstration.