11 Atmospheric Equations of
wherein the angular momentum of an air parcel changes according to the
torque about the axis of rotation exerted on it by longitudinal forces (Prob-
lem 11.8). Consistent with the shallow atmosphere approximation, angular
momentum is treated as though the air parcel remains at r = a.
11.3 Special Forms of Motion
Certain conditions simplify the governing equations. For
incompressible motion,
the specific volume of an individual material element is conserved, so
dP = o.
Then the continuity equation (11.25.4) reduces to
V.v-O. (11.30)
Because p is conserved, a material element that coincides initially with a partic-
ular isochoric surface, p = const, remains on that surface~despite movement
of that surface. Thus isochoric surfaces are material surfaces (namely, they are
comprised of a fixed collection of matter). If the motion is steady, p surfaces
are also stream surfaces, to which the motion is tangential. These conditions
hold automatically for an incompressible fluid like water. They also hold for
a compressible fluid like air if the motion is steady and orthogonal to the gra-
dient of density. Because large-scale motions are quasi-horizontal, the latter
condition is approximately satisfied by atmospheric circulations.
adiabatic motion,
individual material elements experience no heat trans-
fer with their surroundings (Sec. 3.6.1). The thermodynamic equation (10.38)
then reduces to
-- -0,
which asserts that the potential temperature of a material element is con-
served. Thus, an air parcel that coincides initially with an isentropic surface,
0 = const, remains on that surface (refer to Fig. 2.9) and isentropic surfaces
are material surfaces.
The cases just discussed are particular examples of a conserved property,
which behaves as a material tracer. More generally, a property r that is con-
served for individual material elements obeys the continuity equation
-- = 0.
Mixing ratios of long-lived chemical species approximately satisfy (11.32) be-
cause the rates of production and destruction for such species, which formally
belong on the right-hand side, are much slower than advective changes in the
Lagrangian derivative, which appear on the left-hand side. Ozone, which has a