deviates from height contours. Estimate 6 for a characteristic
wind speed of 5 m s -a at a latitude of (c) 45 ~ and (d) 15 ~
(a) Derive an expression for the divergence of frictional geostrophic
motion on an f plane to show that, in the presence of Rayleigh friction,
is proportional to the V2~. (b) From this expression, infer how
vertical motion over a surface low depends on its latitude.
Consider a surface low that is narrow enough for motion about it to
be treated on an f plane. For Rayleigh friction with a timescale of
1 day, determine the latitude at which horizontal divergence inside the
boundary layer becomes comparable to vertical vorticity.
The surface motion beneath a cyclone is described by the stream func-
tion and velocity potential
qJ(x, y)- ~ { l-expI-(x2 +
y)= Xexp[ -(x2
_+_ y2)]
' L 2 ,
where q~ and X are constants. Determine (a) the horizontal velocity,
(b) the horizontal divergence, and (c) the vertical vorticity. (d) Sketch
Vh(X, y)
and discuss it in relation to q~(x, y) and
y). (e) Indicate
the horizontal trajectory of an air parcel and discuss it in relation to
three-dimensional air motion.
(a) Express the vertical velocity oJ in isobaric coordinates in terms of
the geometric vertical velocity w under the conditions of large-scale,
steady motion above the boundary layer. (b) Estimate the geometric
vertical velocity that corresponds to oo = 100 mb day -1 at 500 mb.
12.18. The 500-mb surface has height
z 00-z 00
zs00 - _ _ Y \
500 500 ~,a
( x2+y )]
COS 7/" L2 (x 2 -k-y2)89 _< L
(x 2 + y2)~ >/~
where the constants 2500, 2500, and zs00 reflect global-mean, zonal-
mean, and perturbation contributions to the height field, respectively,
a is the radius of the earth, and y is measured on midlatitude f plane
centered at latitude ~b 0. (a) Provide an expression for the 500-mb
geostrophic flow vs00. (b) Sketch zs00(x, y) and vs00(x, y), presuming
z~00 < < 25oo. Discuss the contributions to vs00, noting how the flow is
influenced by the thermal perturbation. (c) Provide an expression for
the absolute vorticity at 500 mb and discuss its contributions.
(a) Determine the geostrophic motion accompanying the upper-level
depression in Problem 6.7. (b) Plot the vertical profile of horizontal
motion at (h, ~b) = (0, ~b 0 - L).