of the troposphere, (13.32) gives an e-folding time of order days, which is an
order of magnitude shorter than the timescale for direct frictional dissipation
in the free atmosphere.
Suggested Reading
A First Course in Turbulence
(1972) by Tennekes and Lumley presents an in-
troduction to the subject at the graduate level and includes a formal treatment
of turbulent energetics.
Statistical Fluid Mechanics
(1973) by Monin and Ya-
glom is an advanced treatment that includes a wide range of observations and
a Lagrangian description of turbulent dispersion.
An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology
(1988) by Stull is a nice devel-
opment at the graduate level. An extensive collection of recent observations is
included in
The Structure of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
(1989) by Sorbjan.
Hydrodynamic Instability
(1985) by Drazin and Reid contains a formal treat-
ment of shear instability at the graduate level.
Calculate the Reynolds number for the following flows: (a) Stokes flow
about a spherical cloud droplet (Problem 9.15) of radius 10 ~m and fall
speed of 3 mm s -a, (b) cumulus convection of characteristic dimension
1 km and velocity 1 m s -1, and (c) a midlatitude cyclone of characteristic
dimension 10 3 km and velocity 5 m s -a.
Express the Reynolds number as a ratio of timescales and then use
them to interpret the criterion for the onset of turbulence.
Estimate the height of the turbopause based on characteristic length
and velocity scales of 1 km and 10 m s -a, respectively.
In terms of temperature, water vapor mixing ratio, and ozone mixing
ratio, contrast the state of an air parcel before and after encountering
(a) the boundary layer and (b) cumulus convection.
Frictional dissipation is an essential feature of turbulence because it
cascades energy from large scales of organized motion to small scales,
on which molecular diffusion operates efficiently. The specific energy
dissipation rate for homogeneous isotropic turbulence is described by
U 3
L '
where U and L are the characteristic velocity and length scales of the
large-scale motion that drives the cascade. Hence, the rate of energy
dissipation, which occurs almost entirely at small scales, is dictated by
the motion at large scales, which is nearly inviscid. Use this result to
estimate the rate at which energy is dissipated inside a cumulonimbus