14 Atmospheric Waves
the boundaries of the domain. Nontrivial solutions can exist only at particular
Seeking solutions of the form exp[(1/2H + im)z] transforms (14.60.1) into
the dispersion relation
N 2
- ~k 2.
m 2 + 4H 2 -- CO 2
Equation (14.61) may be recognized as (14.35.2) in the limit k ~ 0, wherein
the horizontal wavelength is long enough for vertical displacements to be hy-
drostatic. If m 2 > 0, solutions are vertically propagating. By (14.44), upward
energy propagation (14.60.3) requires mo~ < 0, which corresponds to down-
ward phase propagation. For w > 0, this requires m < 0. It is readily verified
that these solutions do not satisfy the homogeneous lower boundary condition
(14.60.2). Nor do their counterparts for ~o < 0. If m 2 = -rh 2 < 0, the solu-
tions of (14.60.1) are external. The requirement of bounded column energy
then selects solutions of the form exp[(1/2H- rh)z]. One of these satisfies
the lower boundary condition, namely, th = (K- 89 which has the vertical
P~(z) = e "(h). (14.62.1)
For this particular vertical structure, (14.61) reduces to
~2 __
2 (14.62.2)
C s .
The vertical structure (14.62), which defines the Lamb mode and is pictured
in Fig. 14.8b, makes w' vanish~not just at the surface, but everywhere (14.58).
Buoyancy oscillations then vanish identically. The restoring force for Lamb
waves is provided entirely by compressibility so they propagate at the speed
of sound (Fig. 14.9). Lamb waves are the normal modes of an unbounded,
compressible, stratified atmosphere. Even though their energy decreases up-
ward like an edge wave, Lamb waves amplify vertically, which makes them
potentially important in the upper atmosphere.
Because they are normal modes of the atmosphere, Lamb waves are excited
preferentially by forcing that is indiscriminate over frequency, for example, an
impulsive disturbance (Problems 14.33). The response spectrum to such forc-
ing is unbounded at those wavenumbers and frequencies satisfying (14.62.2),
so it is dominated by Lamb waves (Problem 14.32). Historical records in-
clude several impulses to the atmosphere that were felt around the earth.
Most notable was the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 (Chapter 8). Disturbances
in surface pressure cycled around the globe several times before dissipating.
Taylor (1929) used barometric records to infer the vertical structure of at-
mospheric normal modes. By comparing arrival times at several stations, he
showed that the compression wave emanating from Krakatoa propagated at