14.5 Rossby Waves 461
Relative to the basic state, Rossby waves propagate only westward. 4 Their
intrinsic trace speed,
c x --~ = w/k,
is proportional to the local gradient of
planetary vorticity and inversely proportional to the horizontal wavenumber
squared. Hence, Rossby waves are dispersive, with the gravest dimensions
propagating westward fastest. Small scales with slow phase speeds will be
swept eastward by westerly zonal flow, as is typical of synoptic disturbances
(Fig. 1.9). Stationary Rossby waves forced orographically propagate only if the
basic flow is westerly.
The intrinsic frequency I~oh of Rossby waves is proportional to/3, so it has
a high-frequency cutoff of 21)--analogous to the cutoff N for internal gravity
The solenoidal character of Rossby waves distinguishes them from gravity
waves, which are nearly irrotational. Because Rossby waves are almost non-
divergent, the Helmholtz theorem (12.4) implies that horizontal motion can
be characterized by the vorticity field, with vertical motion ignored to a first
approximation. Conversely, gravity waves are determined chiefly by vertical
motion and hence by the divergence field. Although the essential properties
of Rossby waves follow from the rotational component of motion, divergence
enters by forcing absolute vorticity.
14.5.2 Rossby Wave Propagation in Three Dimensions
To examine three-dimensional wave propagation, divergence must be ac-
counted for. Within the framework of quasi-geostrophy, air motion is
governed by conservation of quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity. Lineariz-
ing (12.49) about an isothermal basic state in uniform motion leads to the
perturbation potential vorticity equation for wave motion on a beta plane
D [V2~O,+{f2~ 10 [_Oq/)]
0q/=0 ' (14.67)
D t \ N 2 ] p -~z ~ P -~z + fl 3 x
where z refers to log-pressure height and q/ = (1/f0)~' to the geostrophic
Since coefficients are again constant, we consider solutions of the form
exp[(z/2H)+ i(kx + ly+ mz-crt)].
Substitution into (14.67) recovers the
dispersion relation for
quasi-geostrophic Rossby waves
~ ,
1 (14.68)
C x -- U -- k 2 n t- l 2 n t-
( m2 + 4-H -~)
direction of Rossby wave propagation can be deduced from the vorticity pattern in Fig.
14.16, relative to the frame of the material contour shown. Southward motion behind the cyclonic
anomaly displaces that segment of the material contour equatorward, shifting the wave trough west-
ward. Northward motion behind the anticyclonic anomaly has the same effect on the wave crest.