250 8
oxidation. These and other processes controlling optically active species are
temperature dependent, which introduces the possibility of feedback between
the two sides of (8.81).
Noteworthy is the mechanism controlling water vapor, which is the pri-
mary absorber in the IR. Temperature dependence in the Clausius-Clapeyron
relation (4.38) makes the water vapor abundance vary sharply with Ts. The
exponential dependence of saturation vapor pressure implies that an increase
of Ts can sharply increase the water vapor content of the atmosphere. En-
hanced cloud cover, which is likewise implied, further increases z~. By (8.81),
the increased optical depth results in a higher equilibrium surface tempera-
ture, which, in turn, increases the saturation vapor pressure and H20 content
of the atmosphere, and so forth.
Positive feedbacks like the one between temperature and water vapor sup-
port potentially large changes of
and other properties that characterize
climate. A paradigm of such changes is the so-called "runaway greenhouse ef-
fect," which is used to explain the present state of the Venusian atmosphere.
The evolution of a planet's atmosphere is thought to occur through slow dis-
charge of gases from the planet's surface. Atmospheric uptake of those gases
is limited by their saturation vapor pressures, which depend only on tempera-
ture (e.g., on T~). Because those gases are responsible for atmospheric opacity,
their saturation vapor pressures translate into the optical depth
"r s.
T~ against log(ew), which is symbolic of
produces the saturation curve
(dotted line) in Fig. 8.30 separating heterogeneous states of water from vapor
phase alone.
The optical depth z~ and incident solar flux F 0 determine the surface tem-
perature of the planet, for example, via (8.81) under radiative equilibrium
or its counterpart (8.70) under radiative--convective equilibrium. Then the
surface temperature T~ defines a family of radiative-convective equilibrium
curves, two of which are superposed in Fig. 8.30. The curve for a particular
F 0 can be thought to represent the evolution of a given planet. For small
'r s,
T~ _~ (Fo/o')~,
which reflects the initial state of the planet when all of its water
resided at the surface in condensed phase. The situation for Earth is repre-
sented in the curve for planet 1 (solid line). Initially unsaturated, the atmo-
sphere incorporates water vapor from the surface, with concomitant increases
of its opacity ~'~ and surface temperature T~. Positive feedback between tem-
perature and water vapor then drives the state of the atmosphere to the right
along its radiative--convective equilibrium curve. Eventually, the atmosphere's
state encounters the saturation curve, beyond which further increases of
"r s
are prevented. For the conditions of planet 1, saturation is achieved at
a surface temperature of about 287 K. Subsequent increases of water vapor
are offset by condensation, which returns H20 to the planet's surface. Those
conditions describe a saturated system that contains multiple phases of water,
reflecting the present state of Earth's atmosphere. By preventing H20 from