Thermodynamic Characteristics of Water
is discontinuous in slope at the boundary between homogeneous and hetero-
geneous states. Consider isobaric heat rejection, indicated in Fig. 4.3. From
an initial temperature above the critical point, where the system is entirely
gaseous, temperature and volume both decrease, reflecting the two degrees
of freedom possessed by a homogeneous system. Eventually, the process en-
counters the boundary separating homogeneous states, wherein only vapor
is present, from heterogeneous states, wherein vapor and water coexist at
equilibrium. At that state, the slope of the process changes discontinuously
because the temperature of the system can no longer decrease. Instead, iso-
baric heat rejection results in condensation of vapor, which is attended by a
sharp reduction of volume, all at constant temperature. This simplified be-
havior continues until the vapor has been converted entirely into water, at
which point the system is again homogeneous and the slope of the process
changes discontinuously a second time. Beyond that state, heat rejection re-
sults in a decrease of both temperature and volume, reflecting the two degrees
of freedom again possessed by the system.
In a heterogeneous state, different phases coexist at equilibrium only if their
temperatures, pressures, and chemical potentials are equal. The individual
phases are then said to be
because the net flux of mass from one
phase to another vanishes. If one of those phases is vapor, the pressure of the
heterogeneous system represents the
equilibrium vapor pressure
with respect
to water or ice, denoted
respectively. Should the heterogeneous
system have a pressure below the equilibrium vapor pressure, the chemical
potential of the vapor will be less than that of the condensed phase. Mass
will then diffuse from the condensed phase to the vapor phase until chemical
equilibrium has been restored, at which point the net flux of mass between
the two subsystems vanishes. Conversely, a pressure above the equilibrium
vapor pressure will result in a conversion of mass from vapor to condensate,
again until the difference of chemical potential between the phases has been
eliminated and chemical equilibrium has been restored.
According to Gibbs' phase rule, there exists a single state at which all three
phases coexist at equilibrium. Defined by the intersection of surfaces where
water and vapor coexist, where vapor and ice coexist, and where water and ice
coexist, the triple point for water is given by
pv = 6.1 mb,
TT = 273 K,
vv~ = 2.06 • 105 m 3 kg -1,
1.00 • 10 -3 m 3 kg -1,
1.09 • 10 -3 m 3 kg -1,
where the subscripts v, w, and i refer to vapor, water, and ice, respectively.