3.6 Relationship of Entropy to Potential Temperature
p and T through 0). Thus, like the fundamental relations, it can be evaluated
only under reversible conditions.
3.6.1 Implications for Vertical Motion
If a process is adiabatic,
= 0 and
ds >_ O.
The entropy remains constant or
it can increase through irreversible work (e.g., that associated with frictional
dissipation of kinetic energy). In the case of an air parcel, the conditions
for adiabatic behavior are closely related to those for reversibility. Adiabatic
behavior requires not only that no heat be transferred across the control sur-
face, but also that no heat be exchanged between one part of the system and
another (e.g., Landau
et al.,
1980). The latter requirement excludes turbu-
lent mixing, which is the principal form of mechanical irreversibility in the
atmosphere. It also excludes irreversible expansion work because such work
introduces internal motions that eventually result in mixing.
Since they exclude the important sources of irreversibility, the conditions
for adiabatic behavior are tantamount to conditions for isentropic behavior.
Thus, adiabatic conditions for the atmosphere are equivalent to requiring isen-
tropic behavior for individual air parcels. Under these circumstances, potential
temperature surfaces, 0 = const, coincide with isentropic surfaces, s = const.
An air parcel coincident initially with a certain isentropic surface remains on
that surface. Because those surfaces tend to be quasi-horizontal, adiabatic be-
havior implies no net vertical motion (see Fig. 2.9). Air parcels can ascend
and descend along isentropic surfaces, but they undergo no systematic vertical
Under diabatic conditions, an air parcel moves across isentropic surfaces
according to the heat exchanged with its environment (2.36). Consider an
air parcel advected horizontally through different thermal environments, like
those represented in the distribution of net radiation in Fig. 1.27. Because
radiative transfer varies sharply with latitude, this occurs whenever the par-
cel's motion is deflected across latitude circles. Figure 3.5 shows a wavy
trajectory followed by an air parcel that is initially at latitude ~b 0. Sym-
bolic of the disturbed circulations in Figs. 1.9 and 1.10, that motion ad-
vects air through different radiative envil'onments. Also indicated in Fig. 3.5
is the distribution of radiative-equilibrium temperature TRz(~b), at which air
emits radiant energy at the same rate as it absorbs it. That thermal struc-
ture is achieved if the motion is everywhere parallel to latitude circles, be,
cause air parcels then have infinite time to adjust to local thermal equili-
Suppose the displaced motion in Fig. 3.5 is sufficiently slow for the parcel
to equilibrate with its surroundings at each point along the trajectory. The
parcel's temperature then differs from TRZ only infinitesimally (Fig. 3.6), so the
parcel remains in thermal equilibrium and heat transfer along the trajectory
occurs reversibly. Between two successive crossings of the latitude ~b 0, the