European for firms and companies. Customs duties and tariffs. Types of customs duties. The
level of imposition of customs duties.
Theme 8 The policy of the European Union in regulation of competition
(10 hours: lectures
– 4 hs, test-papet – 4 hs, consultations – 2 hs).
Standing for competition, control for the merge of large companies, economic theories of
integration of Europe, sanctions of the European Union in case of violation of the European
Union commission law on competition, present-day problems of the European Union in the
field of competition, the status of a European company, the participation of employees in
company administration and management, vulnerability of European companies for
aggressive takeovers, the influence of the common market on the functioning of enterprises.
Theme 9 The formation of supranational structure of scientific and technological researches
(8 hours: lectures – 2 hs, seminars – 2 hs, self-study – 2 hs, consultations – 2 hs).
The policy of the European Union in science and technology. The aims of the policy in
science and technology. The reasons for the advance of progress in science and technology.
Division of funds financing science and technological research programmes. Joint
programmes of cooperation between the countries – members of the European Union – in
the area of science and technology. The cooperation in the area of science and technology
between the countries – members of the European Union and Russia.
Theme 10 The influence of the countries of the European Union on the economic
development of Kaliningrad oblast (region) (10 hours: lectures – 2 hs, seminars – 4 hs, self-
study – 4 hs).
Peculiar features of the economic development of Kaliningrad oblast. The role played by the
European Union in the economic development of Kaliningrad oblast. Joint business
undertakings. The classification of the types and forms of joint businesses. The partnership
of companies and firms from the countries – members of the European Union – in joint
ventures. Exchange of goods between Kaliningrad oblast and the countries of the European
Union. Financial flows from the European Union to Kaliningrad oblast. Economic
efficiency of joint business undertaking in the region.