significant sediment loads can reduce the resurvey period to as little as 1 year, as
described in the Cachi case study.
3. Trap efficiencies approaching 100 percent will occur in reservoirs having a large
capacity:inflow ratio and high-level outlets, but it may be difficult to estimate the trap
efficiency in reservoirs having a small capacity:inflow ratio and low-level outlets, as
may occur in mountain hydropower stations.
4. Reservoir resurvey data do not provide information on the variation in sediment yield
over short time periods, which can be important for many types of sediment
management activities.
5. Both sediment and water can be diverted into or out of the upstream watershed.
6. Sediment removal from the system due to instream mining, at sediment traps operated
upstream of the reservoir, or from within the reservoir itself, must be accounted for.
7. Organic sediments can accumulate because of primary production within the
8. Finally, the reservoir resurvey method can be used to estimate sediment yield only
where there is a preexisting reservoir.
Butcher et al. (1992) have provided a more detailed description of several potential
sources of error in reservoir surveys.
In lakes or reservoirs lacking original bathymetric data, or where such data are not
reliable, the depth of deposit can be determined by using identifiable and datable horizons
within the sediment. One such sediment horizon corresponds to the appearance of man-
made radioactive material resulting from atmospheric testing or, in some areas of Europe,
the Chernobyl reactor accident. The use of
cesium as a datable horizon is described by
Ritchie et al. (1973) and McHenry and Ritchie (1980). It is well-suited for use as a
horizon because it sorbs rapidly and tightly onto surface sediments which are
subsequently washed into the reservoir. Reservoir sediment cores are sectioned and
radioactive emissions are counted, producing a profile of "'cesium activity as a function
of depth. The resulting profile is interpreted to determine the layer corresponding to the
large-scale atmospheric tests in the early 1960s, and sediment accumulation above this
horizon is measured. By analyzing a number of cores from different areas in the
impoundment, the overall depth of deposit may be determined. This method cannot be
used in areas where sediments have been reworked following deposition.
The total deposit depth can also be determined by using fully penetrating spud or core
samples, with the original bottom being detected by the change in grain size, color, and
compaction of the material. If a reservoir was affected by an extreme event, such as a
severe flood, an identifiable thick layer of coarser material may have been deposited
across much of the impoundment and can serve as an identifiable and datable horizon.
Similar layers might be caused by fire in the watershed, volcanic eruption, the initiation
or cessation of a major source of pollutants, etc.
Short-term studies of deposition can be performed by using sedimentation plates,
which are metal plates placed across the floor of the reservoir and measured the following
year to determine the depth of deposition over each plate. Relocation of plates following
burial in sediment may be aided using electronic positioning, a metal detector, or by
installing a visible wand near each plate. The plate technique is most suitable for
reservoirs that are drawn down annually so the plates can be set out and recovered on the
dry reservoir bed. Submerged sediment traps may also be used, but have the potential
disadvantage of causing localized interference with flow patterns that may affect
sediment trapping efficiency.