removed from any part of the earth's surface. Whereas weathering involves only the
breakdown of rock, erosion additionally entails the detachment and transport of
weathered material from one location to another, denuding the earth's surface and
delivering sediment to the fluvial system. Erosion rates are frequently measured on small
fractional-hectare plots.
The landscape and associated fluvial transport system may be divided into zones
where either erosive or depositional processes dominate (Fig. 6.1). Erosional processes
predominate in mountainous environments while deposition predominates on flood-
plains, although both erosion and depositional processes occur simultaneously in virtually
all environments. Thus, material eroded from mountain slopes may be deposited in alpine
valleys, and floodplain deposits are eroded by stream channels.
On a global scale and under natural conditions, the denudation of the earth's surface
by the chemical solution of rocks by water and biological processes is more important
than the mechanical erosion. In general, the long-term rate of soil formation may be
considered to balance the natural or geologic rate of erosion. Human activity that
eliminates protective vegetative cover, destroys the soil structure, and concentrates runoff
so that gullying occurs can accelerate erosion by 2 or 3 orders of magnitude compared to
the geologic rate of erosion. The recovery period is the time required for a disturbed site
to become re-vegetated and stabilized, and return to erosion rates more typical of natural
Sediment yield is the amount of eroded sediment discharged by a stream at any given
point. It represents the total amount of fluvial sediment exported by the watershed
tributary to a measurement point, and is the parameter of primary concern in reservoir
studies. Because much eroded sediment is re-deposited before it leaves a watershed, the
sediment yield is always less than, and often much less than, the erosion rate within that
same watershed. The ratio between the erosion rate and sediment yield is the sediment
delivery ratio.
The susceptibility of a soil to erode is termed erodability and depends on the size and
physical characteristics of the particles and the nature of the organic and inorganic
materials that bind them together. The erosive forces acting on a soil are determined
primarily by rainfall intensity, slope angle and length, and cover (e.g., vegetation) which
protects the soil against direct raindrop impact.
Erosion may be classified according to the erosive agent (water or wind), the erosion
site (sheet, rill, interrill, gully, channel), or the erosive process (e.g., raindrop, channel,
mass wasting). Interrill erosion or sheet erosion is the detachment and transport of soil
particles due to rainsplash and shallow prechannel flow. Rill erosion is the detachment
and transport of soil particles by concentrated flow in small channels or rills not more
than a few centimeters deep that are eliminated by normal cultivation techniques (Fig.
6.2). Interrill erosion delivers sediment to rills, which in turn discharge to gullies or
channels. Both interrill and rill erosion have traditionally been treated as a single process,
since most erosion plots measure the combined effects of both. However, interrill and rill
erosion processes are quite distinct, as is the soil's resistance to each type of erosion.
Measurements on 56 soils using simulated rainfall showed that rill and interrill erosion
rates on the same soil for the same rainfall are poorly correlated, and recent research has
been focused on separately determining interrill and rill erosion rates (Laften et al.,
1991b). A gully is an erosional channel, usually ephemeral, too large to be removed by
normal cultivation techniques or to be crossed by a wheeled vehicle.
Gully erosion and channel erosion may refer to either the gradual or the massive eros-
ion of the beds and banks of gullies and stream channels. Mass wasting refers to erosion