most phosphorus in natural lakes is associated with seston, in reservoirs
experiencing significant sediment loads much phosphorus may be associated with
sediment, primarily the fine fraction that has a large surface area in relation to mass.
The total concentration and fractionation of phosphorus will vary seasonally.
The phosphorus contained in organic material is recycled through both algal and
bacterial waste products into forms that can be assimilated. However, sedimentation of the
particulate fraction and its incorporation into sediments effectively removes phosphorus
from the water column, and sedimentation is the primary sink for phosphorus. The rate of
phosphorus sedimentation in reservoirs is significantly higher than in natural lakes,
attributed by Canfield and Bachmann (1981) to the association of phosphorus with the
higher settleable sediment load delivered to reservoirs. Littoral vegetation also plays an
important role in both the uptake and release of phosphorus in natural lakes. It may also be
important in smaller reservoirs with stable water levels, significant vegetated shallows,
and dendritic geometry that produces an elongated shoreline. However, littoral vegetation
may be insignificant or absent in larger impoundments, in arid or alpine zones, and where
steep slopes or variation in pool elevation precludes significant vegetative growth.
Under aerobic conditions, phosphate combines with iron to form ferric phosphate and
can also be absorbed onto ferric hydroxide and calcium carbonate. These chemical
equilibria produce highly insoluble forms of phosphorus causing oxygenated sediment to
act as a phosphorus sink. However, sediments with a significant organic content will
become anaerobic below the surface, and reduction reactions involving iron cause
dissolved iron and phosphate to be released simultaneously into the interstitial water. A
layer of oxidized surface sediment less than 1 cm thick can be very effective in
preventing the release of soluble phosphorus from the interstitial waters into the water
column, but when anoxic or reduced conditions extend to the sediment surface (e.g.
because of anoxia in the hypolimnion), the dissolved phosphorus is no longer trapped and
over a period of several months phosphorus can migrate into the water column from a depth
of at least 0.1 m within eutrophic muds. The rate of phosphorus release can be further
accelerated (e.g., doubled) by agitation from turbulence, but biological activity by bottom-
feeding fish and burrowing fauna seem to have little impact (Wetzel, 1983) The potential
for biological activity that disturbs P-enriched muds is reduced or eliminated by anaerobic
conditions in the bottom waters.
As a result of these interactions between phosphorus, sediment, and the water column,
oligotrophic lakes with a well-oxygenated hypolimnion show little variation in
phosphorus content with depth. There is a limited supply of phosphorus in the system and
the oxygenated sediments serve as a phosphorus sink. By contrast, in eutrophic lakes with
oxygen-depleted profundal water and anaerobic sediments, soluble phosphorus is
continuously released from sediments into the water column, and the phosphorus
concentration increases significantly with depth. Thus, water released from the
hypolimnion of productive reservoirs tends to be nutrient-enriched, and circulation
patterns within reservoirs that draw deeper anaerobic water into the epilimnion can
increase nutrient availability, productivity, and the loading of organic sediments (Fig 4.9).
Because of the longitudinal gradients characteristic of reservoirs, the significance of internal
nutrient cycling can vary from one location to another. These dynamics may be summarized
by stating that surface discharge reservoirs tend to trap nutrients and export heat, whereas
reservoirs with deep discharges tend to export nutrients and trap heat (Wright, 1967).
Lijklema et al. (1994) examined nutrient dynamics and light-shading associated will the
resuspension of sediment by wave action in shallow lakes in the Netherlands. They
pointed out that turbulent resuspension of sediments can increase productivity in the
overlying water because of the recirculation of phosphorus, but it can also reduce primary