362 AIRCRAFT ENGINE DESIGN Dump diffuser. At first glance, it may seem that the dump diffuser,
operating in the "jet flow" region above line d-d in Figs. 9.21 and 9.22, is the
worst possible case for flow diffusion, but, in fact, the bistable stall and large
transitory stall regions bounded by b-b and d-d in Figs. 9.21 and 9.22 are much
worse. 2°,21 Worst of all, in the large transitory stall region the flow separates and
then momentarily reattaches to only one of the downstream walls. This in turn
causes another, subsequent sudden expansion as the bifurcated flow tries to reattach
and fill the duct. The separated flow acts as a bistable oscillator, jumping from
wall to wall in a periodic Coanda effect, presenting randomly varying, nonuniform
velocity profiles to downstream components and causing an excessive loss of total
pressure, which can be 10-40% greater than a dump diffuser! Thus, a dump diffuser
is the "best worst" case for a flat-wall diffuser.
Consider the classic case of head loss or total pressure loss caused by a sudden
expansion in a duct. 21 Figure 9.20, with 20 = 180 deg and La ~ H2, is the control
volume for this analysis. (The tailpipe length La has to be sufficiently long for
the jet core flow at entry to reattach to both walls.) By applying the equations
of conservation of mass and linear momentum to this control volume, together
with the assumptions listed in the introduction to this section, the reader may (and
should) verify that the pressure recovery coefficient, total pressure loss coefficient,
and diffuser efficiency for the dump diffuser are given by
F ]
[CP]d,mp = 2 I~ AR 2 ]' k ql Jd,mp ~ '
[qD]dump =
1 + AR (9.70)
For the "sweet spot" diffuser area ratio AR = 3.83, Eq. (9.70c) predicts a dump
diffuser efficiency of only 0.414, which is considerably less than the absolutely
best value of qD = 0.91 obtainable by a thin-boundary layer, 2 0 = 9 deg flat-wall
diffuser of area ratio AR = 3.83 and length-to-entry height ratio L/H1 = 18. Ways
to overcome this perplexing problem will be presented in Sec. 9.2.3. Main burner. In the early day of turbojet engine development, the
total pressure loss of the combustor was regarded as just another parasitic loss, in
addition to those of the diffuser, compressor and turbine, all of which reduced the
marginal engine performance achievable at the time. Consequently, main burner
designers were under great pressure to minimize total pressure loss, or at least
to justify the excessive amounts they claimed were necessary to achieve ade-
quate combustion stability and efficiency. As engine designs evolved, increasing
compression ratios and turbine inlet temperatures created a demand for increased
compressor bleed airflow for turbine blade cooling. Moreover, because the bleed
air itself was becoming increasingly hot, even greater flow rates were needed
to adequately protect the turbine blades. Consequently, the main burner is today
viewed not only as the source of thermal energy required by the propulsion cycle,
but also as a necessary flow constriction or circuit resistance, which must provide
adequate flow area blockage to maintain the required static pressure drop between
compressor bleed outlet and turbine inlet. This is especially critical if the turbine
first stage stator vanes depend on film cooling to protect their leading edges. If