TR =
Tti =
tBO =
t~ =
U =
V =
g r
W =
W~ =
¢v, =
X =
X ~
Y =
Z =
Ol ~
Ol !
t l/
a 6, ot 6 =
fib =
F =
y =
A =
Ah~ =
~ =
~t =
E l
E 2
?~i ~--
~70 =
fiR =
~7f~spec =
activation temperature, Eq. (9.24)
throttle ratio, Eq. (D.6)
thrust scale factor (Section 6.3)
total (or stagnation) temperature at station i
residence time or stay time at blowout, Eqs. (9.76) and (9.129)
residence time or stay time, Eqs. (9.76) and (9.129)
velocity component in direction of flow
axial or throughflow velocity
velocity; volume, Eq. (9.19)
turbine reference velocity, Eq. (8.38)
tangential velocity
weight; thickness; width
power absorbed by the compressor
power produced by the turbine
axial component of distance along jet trajectory, Fig. 9.14,
Eq. (9.40)
axial location
radial component of distance along jet trajectory, Fig. 9.14,
Eq. (9.40)
mole fraction of ith species, Eq. (9.25)
Zweifel coefficient
engine bypass ratio, Eq. (4.8a); angle; coefficient of thermal
expansion; area fraction, Eq. (9.108)
mixer bypass ratio, Eq. (4.8f)
off-axis turning angle of swirler blades, Eq. (9.48)
stoichiometric coefficients of ith species in j th reaction, Eq. (9.13)
bleed air fraction, Eq. (4.8b); angle
blade angle
function defined by Eq. (8.7)
ratio of specific heats; angle
finite change
enthalpy of formation of ith species, Eq. (9.7) and Table 9.1
small change in; dimensionless static pressure (see Appendix B);
time-mean width of shear layer, Figs. 9.12 and 9.19, Eq. (9.54)
exit deviation of compressor blade, Eq. (8.18)
dimensionless total pressure at station i, Eq. (5.21)
time-mean width of mixing layer, Eqs. (9.37) and (9.58)
exit deviation of turbine blade, Eq. (8.55)
combustion reaction progress variable, Eq. (9.21)
rate of dissipation of turbulence kinetic energy, Eq. (9.74)
cooling air #1 mass flow rate, Eq. (4.8c)
cooling air #2 mass flow rate, Eq. (4.8d)
adiabatic efficiency of component i
engine overall efficiency of engine, Eq. (E.3)
engine propulsive efficiency of engine, Eq. (E.4)
inlet total pressure recovery (Section
mil spec inlet total pressure recovery, Eq. (4.12b~l)
engine thermal efficiency of engine, Eq. (E.4)