The static pressure at the vena contracta is equal to that of the liner (lower)
region, and the mass density is equal to that from the annulus (upper) reservoir,
and so the jet velocity
may be written as follows:
gj=~2( PA-~PL
Downstream of the vena contracta, all of the kinetic energy in the jet is converted
to thermal energy by turbulence and subsequent viscous dissipation. Because both
reservoirs are at rest far from the orifice and jet, the total pressure drop for the flow
from annulus to liner is equal to the static pressure drop:
APt -- PtA -- PtL = ~PA V2 = qj
An annular shear layer forms at the interface between the jet and the surround-
ing fluid, which causes ring vortices to form at the fluid/jet interface. The onset
of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability causes them to intermittently form into distinct
"smoke ring"-like structures, which grow in size as they are washed downward by
the action of the jet momentum and viscous shear forces. As the shear layer grows
inward towards the jet centerline, the potential core is finally consumed.
The rolling up of the ring vortices engulfs or entrains pockets of the liner fluid
into the annulus fluid, stretching the interface between the two fluids, thereby
reducing the "scale of segregation ''13 between the two mixants. This process of
scale reduction is called "stirring," "near-field mixing," or "macromixing "'8'9
After a sufficiently long convective time (that is, distance) downstream of jet en-
try, the stretching of the mixant interface has reduced the scale of segregation to the
point that molecular diffusion can complete the process of molecular-scale mixing.
The result of molecular diffusion is to eliminate the mixant interface and produce a
molecularly homogeneous mixture, at whatever mixture ratio the system dynamics
dictates. This latter process is called "far-field mixing" or "micromixing".
Figure 9.12 shows the time-averaged properties of the mixing jet. The length of
the potential core varies from about 5
to 7
as the jet Reynolds number varies
from 104 to 105 (Ref. 14), it can be taken to be ~ 6
for purposes of preliminary
design. The mixing transition point, the point at which a significant amount of
micromixing has occurred, is about 10
downstream of the vena contracta.
Downstream of the potential core, the jet grows linearly with y at a coni-
cal half-angle ~r ~ 7 deg, so that the jet width ~ varies with y as ~ =
dj + 2y x
tan cr ~ 2y tan cr where, for y sufficiently large,
can be neglected compared to
2y tan a (Ref. 14).
The micromixed region occupies about one-half the jet width, so that the part of
the jet that has both entrained and micromixed the two fluids grows approximately
6m -~
ytan~r = 0.123y
Assuming that the y momentum in the jet is conserved,
pj 1)232 2 2
= PA V) dj
= const.